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[ 577 )

and (hall only add here that in the cafes above re-
cited, where the quick ,pulfe and feverithnefs pro-
ceeded more from a pintitous infardion than a true
inflammation of the lungs, billets, by relieving this
organ, in fome meafure, of the load of humours op-
peening it, would render the circulation through its
veffels freer, and confequently kffen the tricknefs
of the pull, and other feverilh firmproms.
It may not, however, bc improper briefly to point
out the resfon, why blinds, which have been ob-
ferved to be remarkably efficacious, even when early
applied, in pleuritic. (3), gre led fo in true peripneu-
monks. This difference, I imagine, may be ac-
counted for from thwe being no immediate com-
munication bctween thc pulmonary vends and thok
of the fides and back, to which the Willed are ap-
plied ; whereas the pleura, and intercollal mulles,
are furniChed with blood-velfels from the intercollal
arteries, which sIlo fupply the tegument: of the
thorax : fo that while a greater flow of fermis hu-
mours, and IRO indeed of red blood, is derived into
the wills of the external parts, to which the unlace-
codes arc applied, thc force of the fluids in the vef-
fels of the inflamed pleura, or intercolal mufcles,
mull be conficlerably leffened. Further, as the Vi-
ten:of:al mufcles and pleura arc, as well as the tego-
meets of the thorax, fupplied with nerves front the
true. intercoftals, billed applied to the back and fides
may perhaps, on this account alfo, have a greater effed
in relieving inflammations there than in the lungs,

(30 Dr. Ptingle. Obterwatioo. on tlx Difeafes of the Army,

part mi. chap. a.
Vetc. so. 4E which

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