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[ 584 ]

it not improper to produce, at the fame Cole, those

other human rokali, for their further fatisfaaion,
each of which was found fingle in the urinary blad-
ders of different fubjetts. The shrfaces of their leceses
may be obferved to be much frnoother than the fur-
face of either of the four Ron., that were extrailed
from Mr. Woodhames bladder in the operation I
have jail now recited and therefore it was IllOrt
reafonable to expea to find each of their Roses ac-
companied with one or more leaks in the fame
bladder (according to the received opinion), than it
was to find snore Bones than one in the cafe of Mr.
Wcodhasnfs, which has given rife to thee obferva-
But as the fad before us does of hid( thew the
impropriety and danger of determining from the fur-
faces of fuch extraneous bodies, perhaps it may be
thought needlefs to enlarge upon this fubjeft, to
firengthen thole precautions fo reafonable to be ob-
ferved in this operation. However, as I have al-
ready taken notke of the fmooth and polifived ap-
pearances of the furfaces of fuch Roses, as are pro-
b. bly never found (Ingle in the bladder I have pro.
diked two Roney of this kind, that were ern-ado:I
from the fame bladder, to fhew, that thefe hones
do no more refemble thofc Clones of Mr. Wood-
hams's, than a piece of polifhed marble can be hid
to refemble a rough block of the fame fperies. .

P. S. I am informed, by a letter from Sutler,

dated the t Sth infant, that Mr. Woodhams
perfeftly well in health ; that the whole of his
urine had paffed through the urethra for the

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