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ple juke.

This bone, or horny plate, is towed br

a look membrane, which is by no means attached
to it, but capable of bang filled and inflated wit),
watcr wind.
Thc whole is covered with two membranes, which
are continuations of the meth of thc fillis body the
membranes are look, and larger than are necelliry
to the bone : they arc wrinkled or rumpled over une
another, to ConCF the whole, and to de.nd the bunt
and vifteno from all kindanf prance s but tbe7 are
ready to natal one fug. the cebee, a:thjearee tba
par0 dellincd for the purple juice uncovered. .Thipt
begin a link under the Reck, and extend, in.& fn...
malt anim..1, to the tail, whkh is gat ate -
teak they do not go (oho, ha cad at fall% diilance
horn the mil.
The femalts are oviparsus ; fur ems are found in
the grand cavity, at the Ink or the pancreatic Ivaiy.
I have already laid, that when the al trna; is touched,
be makes hioilelf roans% and throws a chic purple
juice, as the cuttle-fith does his ink.. 'ibis joi, is
of a beautiful dap colour : it tingcs lists, anti rite
tintlure is difficuk to gct mu. It remains at precast
to try if we can collca a lirfEcient country of this
juice, md. to find a emote, If prefeming thetinaure
which would than be eteeilely of great value
whkh purpok 1 mew am* neffell
When the ids a er pet into (piaWa, ia
ihrinka up, and kites awp thinds of its i17.< ; bceaufe
all thc water; 4110#91'7edte.tittrilins of the fibres,
be diffiretaatie#V*'dfietl: hires which
dwell lopeallWiiiiiia &Kling them.
Mud Peyffonel.

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