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[ $92

the ink:afoul* and I have aen made my obferva-

'dons without in affillance.

A Deferiptiot of the Worm obkb form the Spovel.

- The worms I found in thefe kinds of fponges are
about one-third of a line thick, and taro or throe
lines in length. Thcy are fo tranfparent, that one
may difcern their NOW a thro' their coverings and
fubllance the blood may be Ian to circulate, and
all thek att. They have a aspic figure,
with anall Isla& head furnidaed withjwo pincers.:
the whir extremity is almoll lquare, andauch larger
than the head. Upon the back may he fern two
white flreaks or fillets, as if they contained the chyle:
there two canals are parallel to each other from thc
head to the other extremity, where they come to-
gether. In the middle, where the belly and tufierg
ought to be placed, a blackidt matter is perceivahk,
which has a kind of circulation: fomaticnes it fills all
the body of 'the worm, fornaimes it gathers towards
the head, or at the other end, and fometimes it followa
the motion of the animal. This vermicular motion
or progrellion begins at the poftcrior extremity, and
ends at the had, which is paired, and conkquently
advances forward. I kept thee worms alive out of
the fpong, quite detached from it, more than an
hour, having examined them thoroughly with a
middling magnifier for a great magnifier would be
the grave of the infra.
I was furprifed, after having finifhed my obferva-
tions, when I put them near a piece of the fry&
fponge, where the mils war mall, and from which

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