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[ 594

putrified, or in powder ; and yet Come part will re.:

main, which it is very difficult to take out from dm
twilled canals, efpecially in thofe fponges of the ma-
ga, kind. Co hard to ckanfe. In word, the blood
or humours, which the ancients have obferved,
no other than the mucilage or juice of the fulgranos
of thefe worms.
Dated n Guadalon,
s Mara, 757.

LXXIX. slccount of an .Experimant, 0 which

it appears, :bat Salt of Steel does not enter
tbe LaDeal Yefels ; with Bernath'. In a
Letter to tbe Rev. Tho. Birch, D. D. Seer.
R. S. By Edward Wright, M. D.
I R,
Rang H Cr iron is univerfally allowed to
be one of the moll powerful me-
dicines now in ufe, yct many phylicians obferviog,
that the km of patients, who ufed it either in a
metallic or feline form, were tinged of a black co-
lour, have been led to think, that, in a metallic Rase,
it could um be reduced into particles fine enough to
be received by the laacal vetlhlnt and if taken in
feline form, that it underwent a precipitation in the
interlines, by which, being reduced to an earth or
cal: it was in like manner rendered incapable of
mal:ing its way into tbe blood. But the accurate en-
rolments, with which Signor Menghini has favoured
3 the

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