Difower Itfelf by This Method of Trial and I: For Info On PDF Compression and OCR Visit Our Website

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difower itfelf by this method of trial ; for upon

adding one fourth of a grain of the falt, this mix-
ture inflantly became of a bright purpk : and I
have found, by othor experiments, that the finalkft
quantity of falt of (led thews itfelf as readily in the
chyle by galls, as in any other liquor of the fame
This experiment (which was as fair as could have
been defircd), together with another el:nervation I
have made, via, that neither the blood nor urine of
patients, during the ale of falt of Reel, in the kaft
change colour with galls, renders it more than pro-
bable, that this talt dors not tater eh, 6/aol.
As the falt was found to have undergone no change
in the fmall guts, it appears, that it is not prevented
from entering the latteals by ks being decompofed or
precipitated, as has been imagined; but, on thc con-
trAry, that what renders it incapable of being received
byshefenstlbls,isittaftraagorseyt for the latteals feem
to be endowed with that admirable faculty of admit-
ting fuck particles of pure chyle as they happen to
be in wawa with, and of accommodating their
diameters to them, at the fame time that by their
natural irritability, and power of conftrittion they ob-
flinately exclude fuck as are aftringent ; which, were
they to enter the keteals, would either produce dan-
gerous obilruttions in thefe ',elicit, or, if they got
into the blood, vrotdd occafion polypous concretions
in the larger veffels, or coagulations incapable of be-
ing tranfmitted thro the minute vellils of the lungs;
the aired, of which would be either fudden death,
m at lealt inflammations and fuppurations from ob-
ftruttions in the pulmonary relic's ; inconveniences,

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