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a great deal of labour, which the lungs (already too

much oppreffed) moll otherwife undergo from a
crude and ill-eoncoded chyle. Agreeably to this
we find, in the Egays Pbyfieal and Literary of Edin-
burgh v, two well-vou6ed hiflories of patients Sw
gone in eortfumptions, with the tribal fyrnptoms of
pain in the Ismail, cough, grofs fpitting of fend mu,
ter, difficulty of breathing, !natio fits, and morning
(welts, perfertly curcd in a fcw weeks, by the ufe of
the liartfell-Spaw near Moffat ; which, contrary to
what is obferved in moll natural rhalybeat waters,
contains a fired vitriol of iron.

Theme, Sir, are the few obfervations I had to

make or pref.ot on this fubjed. I have takett the
libeny to addrefs them to you, in order, if you
shill think proper, to be communicated to your
luftrious Society ; which, I hope, will continue to
lateft pollerity thole interefling refearehes for the ad-
vancement of every branch of natural knowlege, by
which it has already acquired fo much and fo de-
ferred honour; and arn, with the greatefl relped,
S I R,
Your molt obedient humble Servant,

s.a, Feb. ct 7311. Edward Wright

Vol. I. art. ho, p. 364.

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