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System Programming Quiz2

1. (15%) Please explain the components of an instruction cycle for SIC processor,
and give detail explanation for each component.
2. (20%) How many address modes in SIC architecture? Please describe and give
an example for each address mode.
3. (15%) How many formats are there for SIC instructions? Please describe the
structure for each instruction format.
4. (20%) Beyond the simple instruction formats of SIC processor, there are some
complex instruction formats which contain many bit flags for memory address
calculation, please describe “at least” four important bit flags.
5. (15%) In a SIC assembly program, there are two major kinds of assembly
instructions, execution instruction and pseudo instruction. Give the description
and give an example for each kind of instruction.
6. (15%) In a assembly code processing flow, there are three processing software
programs to make a program from source to runnable status, please answer what
A, B, C are and give description for them.

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