How To Start A Windows Chapter

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Stage 1: Purpose, Scope & Target Audience – 4
Stage 2: Logistics, Location & Publicity – 5
Stage 3: Programming – 7
Stage 4: Execution – 8
Planning aid: Event Guide Checklist – 9

Welcome to the manual for starting a Windows Chapter!

First and foremost, we thank you for your interest and support!! If you have gotten to this
stage, you probably have a good grasp of what we do, but this guide will help you understand
more about who we are and how you can help us make a difference.

Organizational Background:
It is no simple task for Israelis and Palestinians to overcome the historical fears, prejudice, and
hatred – all severely exacerbated by the ongoing violent political conflict - that divide them.
Such sentiments are perpetuated by the vast amount of misinformation and stereotypes they are
taught about one another and their limited availability for interaction - a result of living in
mostly segregated communities.

Windows- Channels for Communication is a joint Palestinian-Israeli nonprofit organization

made up of Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians from the Occupied
Palestinian Territories (OPT). We believe that any political solution in the Middle East should
be achieved in a democratic way and should ensure that both Palestinians and Jews live as
equals with equal and comprehensive human rights. Since 1991, Windows has empowered
participants to work as active citizens towards creating positive change in our societies by
fighting racism and discrimination while striving to end the occupation. We further these goals
mainly through media-related Human Rights educational programs for youth which promote
their greater awareness, motivation and ability to work towards justice and peace.

How You Can Help: You can help by spreading our message through events and
community outreach programs run in the spirit of Windows; by making new
contacts, fostering relationships, promoting our name, and raising funds; by utilizing
our educational materials and marketing our products for wider audiences; and by
creating a core group in your area that is dedicated to our organization.

Windows is growing in the Middle East and around the world. It is important to
maintain connections and update each other as to what is going on in each of our

Windows- Channels for Communication (Israel/OPT)

For any questions or information, feel free to contact the Windows team in Israel/OPT

29 Lilienblum St PO Box 352

PO Box 29409 Ramallah
Tel Aviv-Jaffa, 61294
Tel +972 (0)3-620-8324
Fax +972 (0)3-629-2570

For fundraising/PR/event questions contact:

Hannah Weitzer, Development Coordinator:

For other questions:

Rutie Atsmon, Co-Director:
Shams Kalboni, Co- Director:
Najeh Abu Shamsiyeh, Co-Director:

Friends of Windows – InternationalChapters:

 Windows for Peace- UK

PO Box 177
Manchester M21 9YP

Ken Singer,

 Windows for Peace- Italy

Marta Cartoceti,

 Windows for Peace- Holland

Frederique Windhorst, 06-46207479
Lody van de Kamp, 06-29070387

 Windows for Peace- USA

Ashleigh Whelan,


A Windows Chapter is a group of people of any size, anywhere

in the world who want to support and promote the work of
Windows- Channels for Communication.

Some chapters focus on raising funds to support the educational activities

of Windows- Channels for Communication in Israel and the OPT; While
other chapters focus on raising awareness to the complexities of the
Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

How can you start?

 Hold an introductory meeting to build a (small) committed
group of organizers.
 Hold a simple introductory event (e.g. film screening) to get
the word out and attract more members.
 Don't be afraid to start small with plans for growth
 Set specific goals for your chapter
 Determine your focus (fundraising and/or awareness
raising) or a strategy to combine the two
 Make a database of contract information for anyone and
everyone who expresses interest so you can get in touch with
them later on!

Further down the road:

 Approach local companies/organizations who might be
interested in support or helping.
 Monitor activities/growth and membership
 Make an annual plan for events and activities

The rest of this guide is designed to give you content and technical
assistance for planning Windows events and activities- but these
are only suggestions! No two Windows chapters are the same. So
be creative! And if these ideas don’t work for you, feel free to
contact us and let us help you to design programs that best suit
your community.
We appreciate your dedication and support and we could not do
what we do without you!

Windows events should always have THREE GOALS:
1. To build support for Windows, whether financially, or personally.
2. To raise awareness about Windows, the work we do, and the issues we face.
3. To inspire people to explore the ways they can help create change.

Although different types of events may have different primary focuses, all events
should incorporate some element towards each of the above goals.

Stage 1: Purpose, Scope & Target Audience

Most events fall somewhere on the continuum from purely entertaining to purely
educational. While events that are mainly focused on entertainment and fundraising
are great ways to get our name into the public sphere, we should always be certain
that they reflect the values and goals of Windows.
Potential Programs & Events:
 Art Exhibit
 Movie Screening
 Benefit Concert
 Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner/Drinks Fundraiser
 Recycling Drive
 Lectures/Panel Discussions
 Debates
 Social/Networking Event
 House/Salon/Parlor meetings

The above ideas are strong options, but do not feel limited to just these types of

Feel free to reach out to other Windows branches and/or other non-profits to ask
about types of events they have had in the past. They might provide fresh and
innovative ideas.

Some things to consider in making your event selection:

 Sharpen the goal of the event and think about what type of event would best
help reach that goal.
 Who is likely to be interested in the event? Debates may tend to attract an
older or more academic audience whereas social events that take place in
bars may attract a younger audience.
 Keep in mind holidays, important dates, and other publicized events that
might be relevant to this potential audience. You do not want to create a
conflict and thus lose out on attendees.
 Anticipate the size of your event. You should be realistic but optimistic – you
certainly want to control costs (particularly with food/beverage costs that are
variable) but also be able to accommodate those who want to participate.

The audience demographic and size that you anticipate should help you begin
searching for appropriate locations as well as planning your publicity strategy.

Stage 2: Logistics, Location & Publicity
Once you have decided what type of event you want to have, the next step is to find
an appropriate venue.

Venue Options:

 For-profit venues are often willing to host or work with non-profits for free or
for a reduced charge. Local bars and restaurants may let you host an event
where either the cover charge or a percentage of the night’s intake is donated
to you.

 Local community groups and universities may have space available for
events that are of interest to their specific community.

 Religious institutions can be open to participation, but special care and

consideration must be given when choosing these locations – there is a risk
that you may alienate a segment of your target population by using a
religiously affiliated venue.

When negotiating with a venue, always be sure to be clear about expectations and
needs such as:
 Enough time to setup before the event (and clean up after)
 What types of electrical or theatrical equipment will be available
 Capacity of the venue
 Use of the venues’ name, logo and implied sponsorship
o In some cases, offering to use the name of the location prominently on
publicity items can be a benefit that will allow you to negotiate
favorable terms
 Charges that will be incurred
o Be sure to find out if there are additional charges for setup, clean-up,
the event running over-time, etc.
 Whether food and/or alcohol is allowed
 Age restrictions

Depending upon the answers to the above considerations, you’ll need to begin
making arrangements for the items, equipment, and personnel that you’ll need during
the event. Promotional materials should be printed well in advance. Catering and
performances should be sourced and contracted in writing in order to prevent
confusion or miscommunication.

Once you have a confirmed location, you can begin publicizing your event. This is
perhaps the most important step, so it is crucial that you start early! The earlier the
word is spread, the more time people have to read or find out about it. But if you
publicize early, don't forget to send reminders as the date approaches!

Note about Fundraising Events: When planning an event that is specifically

designed to raise funds/solicit donations (beyond an entrance fee/ticket price) it is
important to publicize as such; people do not like to be surprised by a request for

Ways to Publicize:

 Fliers and handouts. Brainstorm about everywhere your target audience

potentially goes – community centers, religious centers, schools, coffee
shops, even other peer organizations’ offices, etc. This is where you want
your notices to be. The ads should be clean and simple, but eye catching.
Using smaller handouts (think postcard-sized) to personally hand to people
or leave in public areas (without littering, of course) are also effective.
 Social networking sites, listservs and websites. These are easy, fast, and
effective ways to get the word out about your event. They are typically also
free and can be the best way to reach the maximum amount of potentially
interested people.
 Google Ads or Facebook Ads. These may be appropriate for larger events –
the ability to target your precise demographic can make them more
attractive, despite the costs (which are quite controllable).
 Traditional advertising in print magazines and newspapers.
 Press releases. These can be very useful in attracting both participants and
media coverage. A one-page document that gives quick insight into the
organization, its purpose, and the specific event should be sent to either the
Events/Arts & Culture/Community editors or to reporters that specialize in
the Middle East or community events. When writing them, make sure to use
the language of Windows to describe the organization and to emphasize the
ways in which this event is unique and why it would interest their readers.
(See Appendix B for sample event invitations).
 Reach out to peer organizations for access to their mailing list or to post
your flyers in their office or on their website. You might even make a great
connection for co-sponsorship.

In every type of advertisement, make sure to provide all of the details of the event
(i.e. when, where, what, cost, direction) and then focus on the why. Whether you are
posting ads or sending out press releases, always convey why this event - and our
organization in general - is worthwhile and unique. Be convincing, concise, and to
the point. Too much information will overwhelm the eye and can actually distract
from your message.

Other helpful tips:

 Printshops may be willing to donate (in-kind) the costs of

printing for invitations/flyers. Or may be willing to print at cost
price (without profit)
 A local firm/company may be willing to sponsor the event in
exchange for publicity

Stage 3: Programming
This stage is critical. Having a well-planned, interesting event will help you build a
word of mouth reputation and lead to increased attention and interest.

Consider the materials that Windows has available:

 Introduction to Windows-PowerPoint Presentation (available on CD)
 "Open Window" annual newsletter
 Translations of the Magazine
o Available at (
 "A Step for Peace" - Song/Music Video created by Windows Youth
 "In their own words" 3-minute Video Testimonials from Windows Youth
 Windows youth Art Exhibitions (available on CD with easy printing
 Windows Overview Flier
 Tri-lingual (Hebrew-Arabic-English) Greeting Cards (for sale)
 Windows Backgrounder – bullet points designed for journalists

Every event is unique – specific to the site, the audience, and the particular
resources you have acquired. However, the above materials are always at your
disposal and provide a good starting place for educating the public about our
organization. They may prove to be helpful supplements to whatever focal activity
you have planned.

Once you have a general picture of the event, it is time to put all the elements in
order and begin thinking about the details.

Make decisions & write a plan for:

 Room setup:
o Know your location and plan where chairs, refreshments, products, et
cetera will go.
o Be mindful of handicap access and restroom location, and provide
directions as needed.
o Designate an accessible and central location to display printed
materials about Windows.
o Figure out the most practical place/way to solicit peoples' contact info.
 Event opening:
o Will there be a group introduction/welcome?
o Will you or others greet people at the door?
 Event flow:
o If the event is multi-part (i.e. movie & a discussion), which will come
first and how will you transition between the segments?
o If a segment runs longer than expected, should you let the energy flow
or keep on schedule?
 Event wrap-up:
o Will you solicit for donations?
 If yes, how will you collect funds? Issue receipts? You’ll need
to collect all of the donor's information – even when they give
cash – for proper reporting and donor acknowledgement.
o Announce upcoming events.
o Recognize speakers, special guests and sponsors.

Stage 4: Execution
When the day finally arrives, be sure to be flexible, but firm – things that were already
agreed upon should be followed through on. For this purpose, you should make sure
that you possess a list of contact numbers for all the volunteers, speakers,
performers, and workers should you need to call them at the last minute for any
potential changes, emergencies, etc.

While there is much going on and a lot to take care of during the event, remember
that these activities are all about expanding our outreach and forming new
relationships within the community. It is vital that participants walk away with a
positive impression of Windows and that WE walk away with a means of contacting
them and building upon their support!

With this in mind, make sure you:

 Go above and beyond just learning names and being friendly. Really
build and cultivate personal relationships. Convey your gratitude for the
participants' attendance and let them know how they can get further involved
in the program.
 Request contact information from your attendees. The goal is to begin
developing a mailing list for future events, as well as for potential volunteers.
 Establish positive connections with those who are working alongside
of you - venue owners, speakers, and performers. You should debrief
with them after the event to make sure they were happy with the way things
unfolded. This way, you can smooth over any potential issues, tie up loose
ends and make strategic changes for your next event. It also creates an
added opportunity to thank your partners for working with you and to leave
things on a positive note, with the door open for future work.

POST-EVENT FOLLOW-UP______________
 All the attendees who provided email/mailing addresses
should promptly be thanked for attending.
 All donors should be thanked for their donations (no matter
the size) and told about the activities which they are
 This goes double for sponsors or venue owners!!

Make this a priority!!!

This is a supplement to the section on planning a Windows Event. You
may wish to use it as a tool to help you stay organized and on track
throughout the process.

Planning Stage
Event Type:
Event Date:
Target Demographic:
Anticipated Number of Attendees:

Location and Logistics

Selected Venue:
- Contact Info:
Age Restrictions:
Time Available for Set-Up:
Time Available for Clean-Up:
Food Provided:

Food Needed:

Beverages Provided (Regular and/or Alcoholic):

Beverages Needed:

Equipment/Furniture Provided:

Equipment/Furniture Needed:

Conflicts and/or Considerations Regarding Venue:

Charges Incurred:

Publicity (Check All You've Covered)

____Fliers and Handouts
____Social Networking Sites
____Google and Facebook Ads
____Print Ads
____Press Organizations
____Peer Organizations

Programming – People
- Contact Info:

Professional Staff:
- Contact Info:

- Contact Info:

- Contact Info:

Caterer (Optional):
- Contact Info:

____Create a list outlining the division of labor throughout preparation stages, as

well as listing who is responsible for what on the day of the event.

Programming - Materials (Check all you need and have received)

____Windows Powerpoint Presentation
____Windows "Open Window" Annual Newsletter
____Translation(s) of the Magazine
____"A Step for Peace" -Song and Music Video created by Windows Youth
____"In their own words" 3-minute Video Testimonials from Windows Youth
____Windows youth Art Exhibition(s)
____Windows Overview Flier
____Windows Backgrounder

Programming - Room Set-Up (Check all you possess)

____Adequate Seating
____Refreshment Table
____Table for Windows written materials
____Contact Information Sheets

Programming - Event Flow

Greeting Person(s) at the Door (Optional):
Introduction/Welcome Giver:
Ordering and Outline of Presenters/Performers/Materials/Segments:
Call for Donations:
- How to Collect:
- Receipts for donors:
Upcoming Events Announcer:
Recognition of Speakers and Sponsors:
Closing Remarks:

Post-Event Responsibilities (Check when completed)

____Thank You Letters/Emails Sent to Contact List
____Special Thanks (in Writing or by Phone) Sent to Donors
____Check-In and Special Thanks Sent to Venue Owners
____Check-In and Special Thanks Sent to Sponsors
____Check-In and Special Thanks Sent to Speakers and Performers

As a Windows chapter, we ask that you help us to boost our sustainability by
building communities of dedicated individuals, and raising money. The amounts
can be small, but every donation is significant. Here is a small (although by no
means comprehensive) list of potential fundraising activities:

A. Monthly standing orders (membership)

A great way to build a sustainable community is by getting large numbers of
people to give small donations. This has been the base of Windows for
Peace-UK fundraising for years, with very successful results. Check with
local banks/credit cards/online systems to see how you can set-up an
automated system.
Start with small goals:
I. Recruit 10 members who will give a small monthly donation (of any
II. Ask each of those 10 to recruit 10 more.
III. Repeat! Even if you start with 5, who bring 5 more, the numbers grow

B. Selling greeting cards, embroidery, etc

Another ongoing means of fundraising can be the sale of certain items.

Greeting Cards: Both Windows-Channels for Communication (Israel/OPT)

and Windows- UK have existing greeting cards that can be printed and sold.
Contact Hannah ( or go to for details.

Embroidery: Windows-Channels for Communication (Israel/OPT) sells OPT

embroidery to support economic development. While 90% of revenue goes
back to the artists, 10% is a donation to Windows. Contact Hannah
( for pictures, prices and details of the embroidery.

C. Movie Screenings
An easy one-time event is a movie screening. "Encounter Point" a
documentary about Israeli and Palestinian peace activists
(, which features a segment about Windows, can be
an excellent event with or without a subsequent discussion section. Think
about where you can find a free/donated venue for the screening. To make it
a fundraiser, charge an entry-fee.

D. Benefit Concerts
Although this may take more planning/coordination, a benefit concert can be
an excellent source of income. Take into account the importance of finding
musicians who will donate their performance and a venue which will donate r
its space. Think about charging different amounts for tickets; for different
seats and/or levels of giving "prestige."


A. Educational Events- Speakers/films/discussions

There are many ways to raise awareness and offer educational activities in
your local community. Speakers, films and/or discussions related to the
Israeli-Palestinian conflict can be important for bringing lesser heard
perspectives into the conversation. Feel free to contact us for specific
suggestions about films, speakers and or discussion topics.

Also, think about raising money to invite Windows team and/or youth to visit
your community and share their experiences in their own words.

B. Magazine Distribution
Several issues of Windows Hebrew-Arabic Magazine have already been
translated in English.

Some of these issues are available for download at, including:
Issue 22: Khalas (Enough)
Issue 23: Moments of Doubt
Issue 24: 1967

An English-Italian edition of issue 27, 1948 and Us, is available in hard-copy

(and soon to be available in German-French). We have limited copies
available so contact Hannah ( for details about
receiving copies by mail and/or possibilities to re-print.

We are also working to prepare a distribution guide/teachers' kit with

suggested activities and background materials to accompany the magazines.

C. Jewish-Muslim Youth Dialogue

In Manchester, UK the Windows Community has an active Youth Dialogue
group as well as a resource pack with activities available for order

Please contact Rutie ( if you are interested in starting

such a group in your local community.

Note: Due to past experiences, we believe it is important to have a written agreement
between Windows- Channels for Communication and our various supporting chapters around
the world. This contract is a sample. We are happy to cater it to the needs/interests/priorities
of each individual chapter. Please let us know if there are any changes/additions/deletions
you would like to make to suit the needs of your community.


THIS AGREEMENT is made between Windows-Channels for Communication (herein
after Windows- CfC) and Windows for Peace –XXXXXXXXXX.

The overall objective of Windows-Channels for Communication is to increase the

number of empowered individuals working, both together and separately, as active
citizens for human rights in the Middle East and beyond. As a subsidiary of Windows-
CfC, Windows for Peace –XXXXXXXXXX agrees to work to support and advance
these goals.

I. Windows- Channels for Communication agrees that it shall:

 Allow for Windows for Peace-XXXXXX to represent Windows- CfC in local
communities including use of Windows CfC name and logo.
 Provide regular updates of activities taking place in Israel and the OPT
 Provide support for events taking place internationally (when given enough
advance notice).

II. Windows for Peace –XXXXXXXXXX agrees that it shall:

 Conduct all activities in the "spirit of Windows" as written in Windows vision
and mission statements.
 Raise awareness to the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the
work Windows-CfC does to promote a just peace.
 Raise funds to support Windows- CfC activities in Israel and the OPT.
 Donate all funds raised to Windows- CfC (beyond covering local fundraising
costs), unless otherwise agreed upon in advance.

If agreements are not kept, Windows- CfC maintains the right to terminate the
partnership, including ceasing Windows for Peace-XXXXXX's use of Windows- CfC
name and logo.

This agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their successors, assigns, and

Signed in the presence of:

1. Signature: _____________________________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________
On behalf of: Windows- Channels for Communication
Date: ___________________________________________

2. Signature: _____________________________________
Printed Name: ____________________________________
Of behalf of: Windows for Peace –XXXXXXXXXX
Date: ___________________________________________



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