A Guide To Develop A Personal Plan For Ramadan

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A Guide to Develop a Personal Plan for

(It is still being refined, give your suggestions)

Either save this page as text and open in your word processor to work on
that or print it to work with the good old pen.

(This is just a guide. Feel free to modify it any way you like.
Any thing, which you think you must do,should be planned for here).


Plan Period:..........................

For this world (Rabbana atena fid dunay hasanah) :For the hereafter (...wa
fil Akhirate hasanah):Target:

Personal Ibadah:
Salat: How many Salat you can offer with Jamat every day?

Jamat at Masjid..............Jamat at home.........................

What weaknesses in your Salat would you like to improve this year?

What days will you go to Masjid for


Can you incorporate any zikr from the Sunnah which you have not done

What portions of the Quran which you can memorize this Ramadan?

What days can I perform Itikaf in masjid or home?


Personal Study:
Study: Quran, Seerah, Islamic literature, Environment of Dawa. Write down
names of the books you plan to study.

How is your Quran reading and tajweed?......................

Any plan to improve?...........................................

Dawa to Muslims:
Dawa is a duty! . If you will not do it, others are highly likely to neglect it as

Nams of the friends you want to relate to before Ramadan for the sake of


Names of those you can invite to your home:


Names of those you want to send out a Ramdan card to:


Dawa to non Muslims:

Nams of the friends you want to invite for iftar at home


Nams of the friends you want to give out a bruchure about Islam or a gift:


Current 6 Level 1 year Level

status month achieved goal achieved

How many of the fard salat

do I offer daily?
How many sunnah salat do
I offer daily?
How many nafl salat do I
offer daily?
How often do I attend
jumma' salat each month?
How often do I pray in a
jamaat weekly?
How many surahs can I
How often do I feel fully
focussed in salat (per
How confident do I feel
about the salat I offer?

Other aspects of my salat I want to improve

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