Beginner Lesson #37 - Quiet Night!

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Kanji Close-Up for Beginner Lesson #37 - Quiet Night

Kanji Reading Meaning 1st character 2nd character 3rd character

㕒߆ ߒߕ࡮߆ Quiet 㕒࡮Quiet
ᥦ߆޿ ޽ߚߚ߆࡮޿ Warm ᥦ࡮Warm
ᦨ㜞 ߐ޿࡮ߎ߁ Great(est), best ᦨ࡮Most 㜞࡮Tall, high
੖᦬ⲗ޿ ߁ࠆߐ࡮޿ Noisy, loud ੖࡮Five ᦬࡮Moon, month ⲗ࡮Fly(insect)
ᄢህ޿ ߛ޿࡮߈ࠄ࡮޿ Hate, dislike strongly ᄢ࡮Big, great ህ࡮Hate

1The character 㕒 consists of 2 characters. To the left,㕍, blue, and to the right, ੎, to battle. But the character 㕍 originally comes from ᷡ, which means clean,
calm, etc. “Calm the battle” becomes “Quiet”.

ง 2 ᥦ is made out of the characters meaning “sun”, ᣣ, and ✭, a character meaning “to become loose” or “to soften”. In Japanese they say “ኙߐ߇✭ࠎߢ߈ߚ” ‫܄‬
which directly translated means “the cold has softened”, or, “it is becoming warmer”. Notice that the right part of ✭߻ is the same as the right part of ᥦ. Com-
bine this part with ᣣ to the right, and we got ᥦ߆޿. The sun is softening the cold.

3 ᦨ㜞 is usually used to describe feelings, prices and other abstract things. You don’t usually use it to describe objects.

4 ੖᦬LVWKHWKPRQWK0D\'XULQJ0D\WKHÀLHVⲗ, are at their loudest and most energetic. From this, we get the word ੖᦬ⲗ޿.

Lesson Code: 065_B37_022106 February 21st 2006 / 2006ᐕ2᦬21ᣣ

Practice Sheet

᥺᥺᥺᥺ ୉୉୉୉
ଢଢଢଢ ᔭᔭᔭᔭ
งେେେେ ‫ٺٺٺٺ‬ ‫܄‬
ᩒᩒᩒᩒ ۨۨۨۨ

Lesson Code: 065_B37_022106 February 21st 2006 / 2006ᐕ2᦬21ᣣ

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