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Kanji Close-Up for Beginner Lesson #90 - Telemarketer

Kanji Reading Meaning 1st character 2nd character

ㅅᖺ ߼޿࡮ࠊߊ Trouble, annoyance ㅅ࡮Astray, in doubt ᖺ࡮Delusion, perplexity
଻㒾 ߶࡮ߌࠎ Insurance ଻࡮Guarantee 㒾࡮Steep place
ಾࠄࠇࠆ ߈࡮ࠄࠇࠆ To be cut ಾ࡮Cut
ળ␠ ߆޿࡮ߒ߾ Company ળ࡮Meet ␠࡮2IÀFH
ߏ㘵 ߏ࡮ߪࠎ Rice, meal 㘵࡮Meal, rice

ࠛ ૦
Practice Sheet

წწწწ ‫ޏޏޏޏ‬
ላላላላ ଜଜଜଜ
။။။။ ྅྅྅྅
Lesson Code: 179_B90_062906 June 27th 2006 / 2006ᐕ6᦬27ᣣ

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