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Name & Mailing Name

Did you know the difference between Name & Mailing Name fields available in the
company creation screen?

The name provided in the Name field is displayed in the Select Company screen
and is used to access the Company in Tally.ERP 9. Where as the Name entered in
Mailing Name field will be printed and displayed in all the output reports of a

Example: Name – ABC (HO)

Mailing Name – ABC Company Limited

2. Financial Year & Books Beginning from

Did you know the difference between the Financial Year from and Books
beginning from fields in the Company Creation screen?

Financial Year From: This field indicates the commencement of the financial year
for a company, in this case, 1st April 2009.

Books beginning From: The date entered in this field will restrict the user from
passing any entry prior to the date mentioned. In other words, vouchers cannot be
recorded prior to 1st July 2009, though the financial year begins from 1st April 2009.
3. Delete a line in a voucher

Did you know the shortcut key to delete a line in a voucher is Ctrl + D?

Simple, Highlight the required line and press Ctrl + D

4. Bank Reconciliation – Effective Date

Did you know how the effective date in Bank Reconciliation feature works?

Use an Effective Date for Bank Reconciliation: A company has data for the
current year and/or previous year and wants to use the bank reconciliation facility
from a cut off date say 1st August 2009. By specifying the date in Effective date
for Reconciliation field, vouchers for reconciliation will be considered only from the
date specified.

5. Recall Reconciled Vouchers

Did you know that you can recall reconciled vouchers?

Use the F12: Configure feature to recall the reconciled vouchers of a Bank
reconciliation statement to modify or clear the dates for fresh reconciliation.
6. Create Multiple Groups / Ledgers

Did you know that you to create multiple groups or multiple ledgers from a single

From the Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info > Groups > Create (Multiple
Multi Ledger Creation screen is displayed:

7. Create Multiple Aliases for Ledgers

Did you know that Tally.ERP 9 allows you to create multiple aliases for ledgers and
assign codes (optional)?

During voucher entry you can select either name of the ledger or any one of the

8. Navigation of Vouchers in Day Book using Page Up and Page Down keys

Did you know that you can view the details of the current voucher in any report?
To view the details of a voucher in a report, highlight the transaction and press
Enter. You can press the Page Down key to view the details of the next transaction
and press the Page Up key to view the details of the previous transactions.

In Day Book press Enter over Sales Voucher No.1, press Page Down to view the
next transaction (Sales Voucher No. 2) or press Page Up to view the details of the
previous transaction (Receipt No 2).

9. New Company with same Configuration

Did you know that you can create a new company with the same configuration?

To create a new company with the same configuration F11: Features and F12:
Configurations follow the steps shown:
• Create a Company.
• Set the required F11: Features and F12:Configurations as required
• Keep the company loaded
• Create another company
• The new company created will have the same features and configurations

10. Removing a Line and bringing it back in a report

Did you know that you can remove and line and bring it back in Tally.EPR 9?

This feature can be used to hide a group, ledger and stock item you can press
Alt+R, to recall the hidden line press Alt+S and to recall the lines in order of
removal press Alt+U

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