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Designed To Succeed ON A NEW HIGH

From Cola war to organised liquor
retail, all have lined up India plan.


the cola war in the country when it
launches a campaign for Pepsi Max,
its zero-calorie cola within two

weeks. The cola company will bring

out a television commercial, which
will be followed up by a print and
outdoor campaign, industry officials
DESIGN MASTERS Designer entrepreneurs such as Aditya Dev Sood (left) and Manoj Kothari are bringing new insights into India Inc’s thinking told ET. PepsiCo will take on market
leader Thums Up by positioning
Pepsi Max as a macho drink with no
Design thinking is a new philosophy that helps designers enter the boardroom and help companies in sugar and low calories. The
commercial is being made by JWT
India. Interestingly, the new Pepsi
brand experience, trends research, business process design and corporate strategy, reports Vikas Kumar Max campaign in the US also revived
the cola war by comparing it directly
with market leader Coke Zero in a

HERE’S LITTLE IN MANOJ KOTHARI’S industrial customers. People realized how a small local definition of design,” says the founder and “Beyond the obvious, traditional research
appearance to suggest the wildly creative Secure went global in 1996 after acquir- company can take on global competition; CEO of Centre for Knowledge Societies, often fails to uncover the insights that are revamped version of its 1995 ‘Diner’
nature of his profession. The relaxed ing British metering company PRI, an erst- what values they’ve observed in the com- which he describes as an innovation so crucial. Designers have been trained to Super Bowl commercial.
formal attire and well-trimmed look while technical collaborator. It snapped up pany; what they would like to build consulting firm that employs design capture latent needs,” he says. And it’s that
point towards a serious business five other small brands in Sweden, afresh and so on.” principles to address business and social ability that is catching the attention of
professional. And when he uses terms Australia and the UK over the next For example, a senior manager at one development issues. companies looking for that extra edge to
like “brand architecture” and “perceptual decade. Pitted against global giants such as of the acquired companies, Horstmann A design firm can visualise a problem prepare for the future.
mapping” it’s easy to think of him as a Honeywell and GE, Secure had a million- Controls in Bristol, UK, who had moved so that more people understand and DROPS TOTAL
branding guru or a market researcher.
But Kothari is actually a designer. A
designer with a difference.
Kothari, who founded Onio Design,
and others of his ilk are no longer content
dollar question to answer: whether to
continue with a portfolio of local brands
across the globe or opt for a single
corporate identity?
It was, in classical marketing terms, a
from a bigger competitor Landis+Gyr, was
surprised about the nimbleness agility of
Secure’s culture. Even casual
conversations weren’t ignored. When he
was first being chauffeured to the
become part of the solution-decoding
process, he says. Breaking up large
challenges into small, discrete groups is
also a designer’s default approach to a sit-
uation. He shows us how.
over have been pitching for a
more strategic role in their
clients’ businesses for some time, it is
only now that the recognition is happen-
Spirits, a subsidiary
of Bangalore-
based Pace Power
Systems, is making
designing refrigerators, mobile phones choice between a house of brands (like company’s office in Udaipur, Kothari A huge process flowchart on a wall at ing. “Design is entering the boardroom a spirited entry into
and soap wrappers. They now hope to P&G) and a branded house (like recalls asking the driver what he thought CKS’s Greater Kailash office in New Delhi now,” says Ashish Deshpande, co- organised liquor
take on a bigger, more serious role in their Samsung). Given the scale of Secure’s of his employer. “Yeh log hamesha kuch is so long that it needs more than just a founder at Pune-based Elephant Design, retail with 10
clients’ businesses—from brand worldwide operations and different naya karte rehte hain (they are always do- glance; it needs a walk-through. The chart which started as a product design outfit in outlets across Bangalore in two years.
experience and trends research to cultures involved, it was necessary to run a tells a story—of how immunization 1989. Now it advises companies on “We see an opportunity to offer a
business process design to re-crafting comprehensive and rigorous validation vaccines are delivered and administered in developing new products to redefining superior shopping experience in
corporate strategy. In short, they want a exercise before arriving at any decision, villages, complete with the key players, consumer segments. high-end spirits outlets,” Venugopal
seat at the decision-making table. says Sanjaya Singhal, managing director, NEW MINDSET the problem areas, social and operational “The term ‘out-of-the-box’ is part of Rao, chairman of DTS said. After
How? Design thinking is a new philoso- Secure Meters. issues along the way to vividly depict what design thinking,” he says. For example,
phy that has helped these firms move into Besides ad agencies and market While designers world over happens at various stages. the use of ‘triggers’—random set of consolidating in the city, the company
areas traditionally occupied by research research firms, Singhal invited Onio, It’s part of a Gates Foundation project words that are non-related—can set a plans expansion in other metros.
have been pitching for a more
houses, advertising agencies and which had previously done a visual strategic role in their clients' to develop an efficient vaccine delivery designer thinking in a new direction.
consulting firms. “Design is a mindset. A re-branding exercise for the company, mechanism in rural north India where Another technique, co-creation, is about
design orientation helps see the world in a for opinion. businesses for some time, it is immunization rates were low. Says involving everyone in the research and
different way,” says Santosh Desai, “The question posed to us was—how only now that the recognition Sood, “We sought first to understand development process, from engineers to
managing director, Future Brands, a could we transition these brands into the is happening how vaccine services are being housewives to villagers. “When you un- KENWOOD
brand consulting firm. overall (Secure) brand without losing delivered, where the system is most vul- derstand the concerns, you understand DeLonghi, one of
For someone who has no design the equity of those individual brands,” nerable, and how health workers the need and then you can think of solu-
Europe’s leading
background, Revathi Kant’s position as says Kothari. ing something new),” he was told. That interact with recipient families.” The tions,” says Deshpande.
head of Titan’s Design Studio is a perfect Applying techniques like perceptual was a simple yet crucial insight into the in- CKS team used extensive photographic So does all this mean design thinking small appliances
indicator of this shift in perception. “The mapping (where stakeholders’ novative nature of the company’s culture. documentation and design diaries in the will be India Inc’s latest ticket to global makers, will roll out
transformation is happening. We are now perceptions about the company and its The exercise validated a single brand field to map the process on the flow chart glory? Not yet, says innovation and its premium
beginning to realise in India that design is culture were mapped on a two- identity approach that would espouse the so redundancies and errors were more strategy consultant Shantanu Saha, co- DeLonghi brand in
going to be a key differentiator,” she says. dimensional scale) and corporate ethnog- core values emerging from the research. clearly identified. founder of Nationwide Primary India by next year.
Though it cannot help size the market, raphy (observation and in-depth For a mid-sized player like Secure, it also A variety of solution concepts were Healthcare Services, who previously The company plans
design helps capture even what conversations with people to uncover pat- made economic sense to promote a single generated and visualised as storyboards. headed Idiom Design & Consulting. to roll out a portfolio of coffee makers,
consumers aren’t saying yet, she says. terns of thought) Kothari and his team brand globally, as a ‘branded house’. Each solution was then shown to front- Unless design firms break out of their heating equipments and ACs in India
“Market research gets the facts but design met customers, dealers, distributors and Singhal says it was the back-to-basics line health workers, district level adminis- image as mere graphic hot-shops and under this brand. This comes on the
gives a better understanding of deep latent employees across four locations in approach by Kothari and his team that trators and Indian and international show tangible value addition in other ar- heels of the company launching the
needs of consumers… To know what’s the Sweden, India and the UK in an exercise made decision simpler to make: “They healthcare experts for feedback on viabili- eas, corporates won’t bite the bait, he
next big thing, what people on the that lasted six months. were not just the solution but part of the ty, impact and cost. Finally more than 25 says. “Design’s powerful impact on busi- Kenwood brand of kitchen appliances
‘extreme’ are doing, you need design Kothari explains that he used methods solution, which we crafted for ourselves. ideas were generated and refined such as ness strategy will require a whole new in the country. “We want to utilise the
research,” she says. integral to a designer’s toolkit—seeking We learnt the methodology and process, an improved vaccine delivery kit, mobile way of thinking by introducing the Kenwood distribution channel in India
insights rather than inferences, so the choices were conscious choices.” phone based reminders and call outs to re- concept of ‘creation of equity through to roll out DeLonghi in India,”

A CASE IN POINT IS ONIO’S visualizing problems across multiple cipient families. design’. This means that companies will Kenwood DeLonghi commercial
recent project for Secure Meters, a
Rs 700-crore company based in
Udaipur that provides metering solutions
for consumers of utility companies and to
dimensions, storytelling, prototyping and
making everyone a participant in the
process. “We involved people in
visualizing the new integrated brand.
is about making insights actionable.
“Crafting the path to making
insights actionable is a good contemporary
What might appear utterly simplistic in
the above process may not be as evident
through conventional methods of
research and problem solving, says Sood.
also have to demonstrate to their
stakeholders that design intervention in
business strategy adds equity to the
overall business,” he says.
director Mark J Broad told ET. The
company wants to set up a wholly-
owned arm to handle both brands.


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