Financial History 2008

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6no*.o1 rfifo 7t
ROY & Co ,oot

!o I1l€ Shat€holdelB
Lil]y Maritiea Ptirtdte i'*nii t6d/
lla bave au<llled th. artached Balanie sheat of r'il1v Mariti4e, lrlvare
Lifii!€d ae a! 31rt Marcl 2OOg and dlsd ihe Pr:ofit 6l,oss aeco'$t to! ttie
y€ar ended o$ that Cate and rc-poit that.

1. As lequirecl by !h€ corpaores (Auditors' RePota) o'dex, (cARo) 2003

lssued by thc cehllal G6tenninent in iems of Section 22?{{A) ot-the
ccd'pani;; acl, 1956,, t€ aDqei lr€teto Fi gtate€nt on mttels specifted
b par:asraph 4 attd 5 qf the sal4 o.del.

2, Flrlhef t6 ou, ccfttents l! tue Annexste lefer;ed to in paragraph (1)

- abore aud subj€c! to lbe aote ho. 5ln sctLdule 1l fo:ning part of
the Ealance shaet ae at 31" 2O0A:

a. ,re hav€ obiatned al] the lnfonnation aad exPlafialions. thicb

to the bes! of aut itofltedge and beLief {e!e lecessarv for
che polposes of ou! ar.d.Lt-

6o6ks ol Accounls a! requrred by 1av

hav€ b6$ kept by'I"lUv l4atithe, so ta! a! it aPFears fr6fr
odr €xaEitation of, th€ books,

the aalatce sbeet ald lhe Protit e I'oss Acoount ate in

aqleeoat,iti: Lh6 Ba6b of Atcount-

d. trn oui o"inion arq t? the best of our lnforJ'aEion and

accordlry to tbe 4splaBtions 91ven t o u 5 r t h e s ar'd
accountg, reat ulllt tde Doto; !bete'n' qlte ihe ilfornallon
t€quited by tne eoiiianies Act' 1956 1n th€ nanne! so
,eqUitbC atcl gtYe s true and-ta!! vie'l

i. in the case ol lha BEl6n4e 5h6et, of ths gtale ot affalrs of

the ccspaDy a3 at 3l"f,Mdfeh 20!8, iind'

ii. in tbe Ease ql tie g.roflt tr loss Accou't, of ihe Profil of titd
conpanv for !!e vea! dded on that date'

ROr A co

Dated: 30u' sspte;all)er, 2008

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