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befideo thofe above-mentioned; fo othen ima-

gine, that there are fome intimations in ancient au-
thors, which require, that it fhould athally be Co
extended. Thus Mr. Caftells, the ingenious ibif .
trator of the villa's of the ancienc., thinks (so), that
" if this had not been the cafe, Palladino would nor
" have given diredtions to his hulbandman to make
" fpecularis in the oleariute IL or flore-room,
" where the olives were preferved. For it appean
" (lays this author) front Pliny. dcfcribing a tem-
" ple (la) built of the /*it *adore., or phengitta,
" as the greateft rarity in his time, and the mend°.
" Plutarch makes of a room in Domitian's palace
" lined with it, that it was not common enough.
" for hufbandmen to purchafe ;" lan, in filch quasi.
Utica, as were required for the purpofes mentioned
I than not take upon me to decide upon the weight.
of this argument of Mr. Caftells ; but only obferve,
that if any one thould be induced by it to think, that
the ufe of glafs for windowo may be of much greater
antiquity than is commonly allowed, or even as old
as the fragment, which occalions thefe remarks, be
may find other probable reafons to corroborate his
opinion. As, firit, that there teems to have been a
natural and obvious trantition from the praCtice of

(to) vala's of the An,

(as) One of Pliny, cauuons for preierving apples oICo.v
jp.laridst ne,, u. sCoff. hb. ay. c. 16.
Masort further inform, ut that the Romans uteri to (irn, thert
orchards ol choice fthioners thsh fpertarie. Lth. vrt. epia.
(as) 1 &ppm', ht neon that of Fortuna Sc.. Lib. rani.

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