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Let AE, A F, sed AG, denote any three values

of the quantity x, having indefinitely (mall qui-
t/Termer, E F, FG , and let L, FM, and G 1ST,
(perpendicular to AG) be the retholtive values of j,
correfponding thereto; and, fuppofing EF (as FG-.=
to be denoted by r, let M and d N (the fuccefilive
values of j) be repreknted by u and se. Moreover.
fuppofing P'1, and Pp to bc ordhsates at the middle
points F r, between E,F and F,G, let the former
(PV) be denoted a, and she latter (P)ii") by Os put-
ting P'xx and A 1."= A. Then, if a and (tbe
Melo VIII= of x and y, between the cadinates E L
and FM) he foppofed in be fubflituted for and y,
in the given quantity Qs + Rr+Ss+Ti,Cer. and
if, inftead of r and j, their equals e ri be the
fubllituted, and the laid (given) quantity, after fuch
fulshitution, be denoted by tf+ R'r'+ Si+ 7"1,
err. it is then evident, that this quantity t +
++ , &r. expreCs fo much of the whole
required fluent, as is comprehended between the on-
dinatts EL and FM, or as &asters to an increafe of
E F in the ralue of sr. And thus, fl and 0 be
conceived to be wroM for x and j, e fee uç md re for
j, and the quantity relishing be denoted by Ce+
J'Y'+ re', &v. this quantity MIL, in like
manner, camelt the part of the required fluent corm-
fponding to the interval FG. Whence that part an-
farming to the interval EG will confequently be
equal to tg+ kr' + 4.;(+ R'r"Cer. But it is
Yoa. so. 4L -

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