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manila., that the whole required fluent cennot In

maximum or minimum, tulle& this part, fuppofing the
bounding ordinates E L, GN to remain the fame, is
alfo masireorn or winsome. Hence, in order to .
determine the fluxion of this exprefflorr
k'r"Cfc.) which muR, of °Jacques.,
bc equal to nothing, let the Iluxions of t and
(taking need sr ao variable) be denoted by and
elfo /et Rei and ; denote the refpeftive fle-
xions of R' end r'r and Ios, I. like mama, oho Rs-
ZiCOB of. Q. q", k, r", fit,. be reprefented by
10. ;1O, &c. refpeftively. Then, by the com-
mon rule for finding the fluxion of a redargle, the
Lotion of our whole expecflion
ity+ R"r' .54..) will be given equal to +
/Ade+ +
R";* etscec.--- 0.
Bat + se being = GN EL, end --tr-
6NTEL (a conflant quantity), we therefore have
aedffn,ii alfouheing(_-.:arp)no.
EL, thence will si-= 2 ci : which values being
fuhRituted above, otr equation, after the whole is
divided by will become
+.1t+2 etc.

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