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[ 627 ]

73ut th 1rofabov,j, is the

inamnent or fluxion (anfwering to the increment,
on fluxion, 2) arifing by fubilituting 6 for a, g foe c.
and w (or n. Moreover, with regard to the quanti-
ties on the other fide of the equation, it is plain, fee-
ing the difference of q' and irk is indefinitely little
in companion of their fum, dui q'8 rnay be fubfti-
tined in the room of etc. which being
done, our equation will band thus:
Firm ti-b = to' t+
BLit t &c.
reprefents (by the precediog
motion) the liuxion of f'RL-1- r%It &c. (cc of 8,1
+ R r &e.) atifing by fubllitining a the y, making a
alone variable, and calling off + 14 thaefteei that
fluxion be denoted by O, we thall luve flux ff',O +
R'; Cdr.= 6, and conliquently ff, + k, err.=
But Zi K ; Eic..(by the (lose notation) appears
to be the fluxion ki+ (o rot + Re
Rh.) sari% by fubllituting In for j, making u alone
variable, and calling off i. Whence thc following
Ganzlar. Rens.
Tait dr Axiom of dr given tupelo's (whir fluent
ir requiXed to In a oubthnum ne minimum) main,
yataire variable; and, having divided by y, let the
quotient be denoted dy Then tali, again, tbe
fluxion If fir fame elution, asding'ralone ea-
notirb divide ky y a and ?inn this tali vio-
lin", will be =
+Lx When

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