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[ 628

W1222 yb not found in the quantity given, u miff

then be o; and, confequently, the expreffion for
emul to nothing alfo. Balt if, y be abfent, then
will ri= in, and confcquently the value of u = a con.
Rant quantity. It is alga cafy to comprehend, that,
inflead of j and y, and. may be made fuccellively
variabk. Momover, fhould the cafe to be refolved
be confined to other refisiftions, befides that of the
maximum or minimax, furl as, having a certain
number of other &Mks': sit the lime rime, egad to
given miantities, fill the fame method of folutian
majle applied, and that with equal advantage,
loom the particular expredions exhibiting all the
feveral conditions, one general expecflion compofed
of them all, with unknown (but determinate) coeffi-
cients, be made ufe of.
In order to render this matter quite clear, let 4
B,C, D, Ur. be fuppofed to reprefent any quantities
erpreffett in terms of x, y, and their fluxiona, and
let it be required to determine the relation of x and y,
fo that the fluent of4o fhall be a maximum, or mi-
nimum, when the catemporary fluent. offal Cx,D
4*. ore, all of them, equal to given quantities.
It is evident, in the firft place, that the fluent of
re+ bB X- nCX-b dThe, Dr. (bc, d,(*.being
any militant quantities whatever) mull be a mart-
mum, or wiennew, in thc propored circumftance:
and, if thc relation af x and y be determined (by rbe
rale), fo at to anfwer this fingle condition (under all

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