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fingle flat leaf tans, about an inch or an inch and

half broad, thick in its middle to about three lines,
ending at the fidcs in a kind of edge, like a,two.
edged hbre, almoll like the common Alga, forged
of longitudinal fibres interlaced with other very defiri
cams ones, and the whole filled with thick, juice,
like the parenchyma of fucculent plants, fuch as-the
Sodom, Aloes, and the like, of - a clear yellowtfli
green, and tranfparent. This firft leaf is always
fingle, and levees inftead of a trunk or dem to An
whole plant.
When it rifes to about a foot high, more or 16,
it throws out at ese fides other leaves formed of
continuation of the longitudinal- fibres ; and slide
(mond leaves arc of the fame thicknefs and fobflance
with the firft : they are two or three feet long, and
the whole plant is five or fix, or more ((or one can
hardly tell the length); and is not capable of Cup.
porting itfelf, but is fufkained by the Itrength of the
waters in which it floats.
firbftance of the plant is not in folid as that
of the common Alga, which is capable of drying as .

it fades, and of being kept: whereas the leaves of

this great Alga (brink and wither in the air, become
of a lalackifh colour, and very friable, or indeed foon
fall into putrifaetion. I never obi-creed, that they
bore any fink perhaps this was not the feafon.
But what we find particular in this plant h its root
or foot : Firft, this pedicle extends in ribs, like what
see call the thighs of certain trees theme thighs ere
in right lines : perhaps they run in the fame din:Chun
or lunation, that is, placed north and (oath, or mil
and well ; but this I could not obferee. They arc

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