Quake, Tho' Vny Particular, Which May: For Info On OCR and PDF Compression Go To Our Website

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uin fopponere licat, hare in lune non limper efk

mistake', infertur, differentram temporis appulfits

timbre non in omni echpfi lunari poffe elle :qualms,
quad demum convenire video. duplici mew obferva-
tioni, ut en adnotaris temporuni differentiis liquet.
Hzc 111C2 eft circa propofitum phenomenon opi-
nandi rano.

LXXX1X. affervations afels a flight Earth-

quake, tho' vny particular, which may
lead to tbe Knowlege of the Caufe of great
and violent onn, that ravage whole Coun-
tries, and overturn Cities. By John An-
drew Peyffonel, M. D. F. R. S. Trani':
land front the French..
1..144...T Went to make my obfervations upon.
the natural hifbary of the fca ; and
whes I arrned at a place called the Cauldrons of
Lance Caraibe, near Lancebertrand, a part of the
Wand of Grande Terre Guadaloupe, in which place
the naafi runs north-rad and. fouth-welt, the fca
being muck agitated that day flowed from the north-
wefi. There the waft is furnifhed with hollow
rocks, and vauks underneath, with chinks and cre-
vices: and thc fea, piffled into thek deep caverns
by the force and agitation of the waves, cornprefEs
the air, which, recovering its fpring, forces the Wa-
ss back in the form of the moft magnificent foun-

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