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that the Cca grows quiet. Then (even wavec hand.-

fively fill the caverns, which are all along the malls
and when the Inventh comes to open itfelf, the air
at the bottom of the caverns being greatly cone-
preffid, aded by its elallicity, and immediately made
tboli fountains and galling. I have mentioned and
the waters continuing in the caverns, up to the very
place of the hole, began to produce that dull noire,
caufed the cnotion or earthquake, and finifhed with
the violent wind forced up thro' the hole ; after
which the water retiled tato doe rm. and having no
further impelling caufc, on account of the waves,
rendered every thing quiet again.
I obferved, that this phenomenon happened at no.
tanked tne, but according to the approach of the
waves, being firongly put in motion after the in-
vent!. I remained near half an hour to obrave it;
and nearly followed the courfc of the cavern to its
entrance, direded by the dirpofition of the coaR. I
made my =goes go doyen where the water broke ;
for they doubted the report of thc greener. of their
caverns ; and when the lea wes calm one of thens.
ventured in, bot returned very quickly, or he nulh
have perifhed. Therefore I conclude, that their
retail earthquakes round the hale, about lorry pact:.
from the wave, were oaly aufed by the cotnprefied
air in Ilene great vault about thes place, and that by
its force was driven up the hole that appeared: that
this air in the caverne, compreffed to a certain de-
gree, firft nulled the dull none, by the rolling of the
waters, which refilled in the cavern nen ading
morc violently, caufed the finall earthquake, which
cored when the wind palled out of thc bok,

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