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[ 652 ]

XCI. 4,, Hiflorical Memoir concerning a

Genus of Pla.nts called Lichea, & Mi-
chell, Haller, and Linnzus ; and compre-
hended &Dillenius under :be Term Me;
Caralloides, and Lichenoielea rending
principally to illeftram their fever&
Communkated & WEIL Wad" M. ft
..-.-Plattra ;Relit frtifre nvoweii. peters, rams oat a.
%mum aliktata cc Muftis afirew, von a .40. v.
On bon° ? Anwar. Aced. UI. p. air

tsd H E whole clak of mollts were
taken but very link notice of by
tbe revisers of botany in tho fixteenth century: they
indeed took fome pams so diftinguifh the partkular
thecies that the ancients tad mentioned, but dine-
girded almoll all the refl. Modern botanills how-
ever fuppok, that they were but link fuccefsful in
general in their application of the ancient names to
plants: mr is a fail= in fuch memos to be won-
dered at, confidering the too great concifenefs, and
frequent obkurity, of their delcuptions. In the clafs
of moffes, as in many others, tile accounts tranf-
rnitted to us are little more than (cent of uncer-
tainty and confithon.
It is to the moderns we are indebted for the di-
covcry of the far greater number of the plants of this

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