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tells or he learnt to dillinguith almal all the naolfes

/defy by the help of thcfc tables, fo well are they en.
ponferl. The lovers of botanic kicnoe are greatly 61
debted to Boerhaavc for his publication of that work.
Micheli, after Tournefort, adopts the terns kebex,
and comprehends all the (pecks under it, except see
or tyro, which he calls lichemaidel. This author
however does not take into thin genus the liverwort
of the materia rnfdira ; he deft-rib. the (petit. of
that genus =der the name of wortiamisios N.
twenty of the plates in his Ns. Pkreartwa Grimm
are taken up 6; reprefenting various fpecics of this
genus. In this work they am divided into thirty.
eight orders or fubdivilions ; a circumfkanco very ne-
celiary indeed, tonfidering how Fatly he hat multi-
plied the number of the fpecies. It is to be regretted,
that fo indefatigable an author, one whole genius
particularly kd him to fcrutinim the minuter lub1e0a
of the kience, fhould ham been fo folicitous to an-
creak the number of fpccies under all his nen:
an enor this, which tmds to gmar conflation and ma-
barallinent, and mak retard the progrcfs and nal kn.
provement of the botanic fcionce.
Dr. Haller retains Michch's term, and enumerates
r6o kinda in his Drury:mule Stirpiem Helvaid : he
divides them into liven orders, according to the fol-
lowing titles
a. Liebrnra corniaelati 493
C. Licirnes
3. Liebeneefroricof
4. Latta., pslinverarii.
p Littman enoft.errcfccati,ftnenrliha, ernati.
6. Lidiewsfivullia
7. Lichner, ovforei non feurati.

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