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I 6571

The attentive number of the (peck., end the diffi-

culty of diftinguifhing them with a tolerable degree
of certainty, has deterred Dr. fhller from adding fo
full and complete a lift of fynonyrns to the plants of
this genus as he has elfewhere done in that fplendid
work. Plate the 2d exhibits rental elegant forts of
their lichens.
Linnous, and the followers of his method, who
kern to have eflablithed their generical charatter
from Micheh's dikoveries, retain alfo his generical.
title. Micheks pallion kt the multiplication of !pe-
cks is no-where more confpicuous than in the planto
of this genus which be has molt mormoutly aug-
mented to th; number of 298 fpedes. The Swedifh
prokffor cannot be charged with this foible it is
one of dae excellencies of his writings, that they in-
culcate the emetic. He has fo far retrenched thio
genus, that in his general enumeration of plants he
recounts only eighty fpecies belonging to it. They
are in this work divided into eight orders, according
to the difference of appearance which they form by
theirjadm coterie, little or no regard bring had to,
what are ufually called the parts of Goftification.
e. Litbnetelepreft tokrcukti. 5. Licbenee
2. Leciates leprelfrotellot, 6. Liaise, _polo:Teri.
5. Lidos" is6riceti. 7. Lie-iron froateselti..
4 Latham jobicei. & licbeerefrIontitaff.
Dr. Dillenias, in his molt elaborate work, intituled,
Aqioria Moftertin, has divided this Michelian genm
Ito three, under the names of arjisone. teralleidt; and
Orientate. Under the word afire he comprehends
the hairy treemolks, among which are the ifste of
2. 411' elm

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