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Ten Oaths; ethept the oralle, or Canary-weed, which

is found upon the rocks on the fea-coaff.
To this divifion belonp the horned moli ( ea). It
is found with us in rocky barren ground, and epee
cld walls not uncommon. It was formerly In pm
credit as a thetaral ; bot is now quite in difrepuse,
The common branched ( so) is one
of the moil ufeful plants of all the tribe of lichens.
Ito pretty frequent with us on our Moths, forefis,
and mountains. The northern e.gioos. athord it in
ahead...sop aistinhetat in is peentiorty -and fingularly
theful. It is indeed the very !tappets and foundation
of all the Lapland ceconomy, nth without which the
inhabitants could not follain their otsin-deer in tht
winter time. Linnaeus tells ILI (1),,hat Lapland
atrurds no vegetables in foch plenty as this, and other
o thc lichens. Plains of leveret miles extent arc to-
tally covered over with it, as if with fnow ; and
where no othcr plant will even take root, this will
thrive aod boksnnmmsd. Theft drary and inclement
walks, thefe terra demean., es foreigner would
readily call them ; theft, are the Lapland fields and
fertile Naives. Oa this lichen the rein-deer, Moir
fources of all their wealth, feed in the winter rinse,
when it is in its moll ilourilhing condition, and no

to Gerelloido array& Lmiurilo en .4r:ran. Dam. ltd.

Mare p. so3. Maj., ler,Uulas. Ge,. p 137a. P.,s. snI
Rmi Met. I. p. sa. It. psi. bersaiin nrinkfut timmule
maul ersthums miaufpu rossfisltaia Sm. 3. p. c7.
(tot Oral/Aid. memalua Fain., hut, aluga, euralUsas list
Mu, p. 507. Lido,. reuzifirisuu Lao. Sp. Pl. a .51 Mi.
rera Iis. TM. Get. eal.
Ill Flim LPP.. p. ns.

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