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[ 68z ]

coloured ground liverwort ( 1) of Ray belongs to

this order. It is very common all over England on
sky and barren gruund ; and indeed altnoft all Eu-
rope, and America too, teems to afford it in fuffi-
niece plenty, as we find it obferyed by almoft all the
the botanic writers fincc Ray, who was one of the
firft that dcfcribed it.
The earliell account we have of its ufe for the bite
of a mad dog is in the Philolophical Tranfaftions (I a),
from Mr. Dampier, in whore family it had been a
fecre for number of yam. It was communicated
firft to Sir Hans Sloane, ann kind of fungus, or Jew's.
ear s and, at the niquell of Dr. Mead, was tome
years afterwards received into the London difpenta-
tory. Scarce any of the limited fpecifics of former
ages ever acquired fo groat reputation as this plant
has done in modern times, for ns prevalence againli
thc bite of a mad dog ; and the patronage of the
late learned Dr. Mead made fufficiently known

throughout all the world. Happy would it be in-

deed, if it fully dcferved the high encomiums, which
have beets bellowed upon it. A great and eminent
phylician (13) has doubted its efficacy at all in filch
cafes; and it is well known, that Boerhaave even
laughed at it. Dr. Mead had certainly an high opi-
nion of it : he tells us it never (ailed, thro' the courfe
of thirty years experience, where it was duly given

(III Lizanosil ladaro finafis

Muk. sco. Ploryfin Isaufmn parlim ronad. tlill
11111 Pl. Po. Lichee ore Lm. Sp. Pt sing.
( Is) See Lairthorp's Abridgment, nnl.11l. p. 28.0.
(13) Dr. Pao Seinen. Sec Coannent. in Boob. Aghor. 4.1507.
Vos.. go. 4 before

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