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E 682 3

before the dwirephitio came on (14. Later iollartoss

have Lhewn, that it is not infallible and Dr. Fan
Swicten't fuppoStion is but too hkely to prove true.
It mull be conferred, that Dr. Mead's exhibffion of
it teems too much complicated with other means to
leave roods for judging fully of its real efficacy ; and
it may really bc queffioned. whether bleeding, pepper,
and cold.bathing, have not had more to do in the
cafe than the lichen.
The aeaajcaso 'almond,- fur c?fcirwraws (13), tree-
lungwort, on !NE-bungs, belongs to this order. It is
found ablaut old oaks, and upon rocks and &Una
overgrown with moll, in many of our thick woods
in England; hut not in any gntat plenty.
Few, perhaps, of the antiquated harpies were in
more repute, m their day, than this plant. It was
celebrated for ages, on account of its fuppofed pee-
valence in pulmonary complaints of almoft ail kinds,
and yet, upon inquiry into the original of its ufe in
furl] cafes, it would probably appear, that it aro&
more from a based refemblance they found in the
plant to the lungs themfelves, than from any real
and well-grounded proofs of its efficacy. As a gentle
allringent, like moll other fpecies of thc family, it
would doubtlefs contribute to relieve in many cafes
where the lungs were affeCted, as in faestopeet=r, tart
fonse others but it does not loom, by any means, to
deferve that high charafter in medicine which has
been given to it.

( 4) Mechankal Amount ot Pao.. Oh. p ,56.

Syn. C. 76. .tikla. pantotaboc. B.


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