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The people in Hecefordthire, where this mob is

called rage, dye their frakings of a brown colour
mith it. This is done by a very ftrong but Genple
decodicn in water, and the colour Rands well (16).
The fine green listenaides with black warts ( y),
is a celebrated medicine, and in very frequent aft,
with the country people about Upfal, for the thrufh
in children : to this cnd they give an infra-ton of it
in milk. A medicine of this kind is of great im-
portance in their countries, what that difordcr oc-
curs much more frequently than with us (18). It is
not received into the Swedifh difpenfatory ; but is
known however in the (hops, under the name of
onfests rematilir. We have it not in England ; and
Mimi= found it but in one place about Gallen : in
the woods of Sweden it is more plentiful. A tin-
gular cafe, which is related in the Amiroilares Ara-
barker (0), has given rife to an opinion of its ufe-
fulnefs in the worms alfo. The cafe briefly was
this : A country girl had, for near half a year, com-
plained of excruciating pains in her fromach and
bowels, which were attended with vomiting, anxicty,
and great watchfulnefs. All that had been pre-
faibcd for ha by Profellbr Linnmus and others, who
molt her cafe (or the worms, proved altogether fruit-
left. Being afterwards left to the care of' her neigh-
bours and telations, (ome good women gave her a
decodion of this mob, which the lIplanders call

(16) Dille. Hilt. Marc. p. 517.

(17) lirivasidite ,I4uarm lure tiros wear. Ririe roternr.
. u .7.
I Doerl... A hu,ir,r 9132.
( 89) Val. II. P A D. Tina..
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