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[ 686 ]

" they are -Rocked with this herb, which in every

" refpefl is good and wholefome fooe (6).
This- mofs is not very common in the fouthern
countries of Europe. England affords it but yen,
fparingly. Mr. Newton and Dr. Dilknius found it
in Wales; Sibbald, in Scotland. It is frequent Ofe
the Alps of Switzerland ; and Dr. Haller mentions
it in his Iter Herrymium. Sweden and Lapland have
it in plenty: and on account of its great abundance
and ufefulnefs in Iceland, Bartholine, and after him
others, called it roujama rfiandaes.

I cannot help remarking, by way of conolufion,
that we here in thb genus of plants a convincing in-
(lance of the utility which may refult from the Rudy
of natural fcience In general, and even of its minuter
and hitherto moll negle6ted branches. From a view
of the foregoing memoir it is evident, I prefume,
that the <economical ufes of the lichens, in the vao
rious gusts of the world, are already very confiderable
and important : and altho' it does not appear, that
the fenfible qualities of any of them, or the expe-
rience of former ages, will warrant our al-certain-
ing any fingular powers to them in a medicinal way,
yet pawky will doubtlefs find the means of em-
ploying them to many valuable purpofes in human
bfe to us unknown.
It will at once be acknowleged, that the vegetable
kingdom fupplies us with the far greater (hare of the

(6) Horrebow's Natural theory of freeload, p. 36.


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