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neceffaries, the conveniencies, and even the elegancks,

of life. he cultivation of that knowlege, which
leads to the inerfkigation of its fubjefts cannot,
therefore. but be highly ufeful and necegry and
altho' the bare (ciente of natural knowlege is of it-
klf worthy of applaufe, yet it ought to be confi-
&red, in reality, as the necellry means only of ap-
plying the fubjetts of natures kingdoms to their true
ends and purpofes, the fervice of mankind. To know
and ddlinguith, by dekrmined and fpecific charac-
ters, even but a frnall (hare of that amazing multi-
tude of objefts, with which the year Parent of na-
ture has furnifhed our globe, is a tafk far more than
equal to the duration of human life. To invcfbigate
and akertain thcir various qualities and Lacs is equally
arduous and impratticable. While the naturahlls,
therefore, are employod in ddlinguifhing the forms
of things, let others exert the united efforts of gcnius
and application to invcfbigare their various properties
and uks. I need not fay the field for both is bound-
left : it donteleli will be fo for ages yct to come.
The hopes of dikovefing fume heent property, which
may turn out to the advantage of his fi.liuw creatures,
still arlinloto the man whole mind is truly formed
for reldhing the plealures of natural (ciente; and
however-the refult may be, ihe infpcflion and con-
templation of natures produftions will ever afford
Mat fatisfaftion, which will amply repay him for his
trouble. The minuter, and, as they are commonly
aftimated, the seed! abyeet 'and inksnificant things
are not beneath our rkskt-t' and an attentive mind
will ruddy conceive how much further, and more
fatenfively ukful, every branch of natards kingdom

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