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E 738

fight by die water was equal to that by the ears ;

that is, till the objeCt, tiro conliderably refrafied,
by the excels of the refraCtion of the water, appeared
neverthelefs quite free from any colours proceeding
from the different refrangibility of light anti, as
near as I could then meafure, the refraaion by the
water was about of that by the glafs. Indeed I
was not very cartel in taking the meafurcs, hecaufe
my bufinefs was not at that time about tbe propor-
tions, fo much as to thew, that the divergency of
she colours, by different fublitanots,, was by no names
in proportion to the refraftionsi and that there was
pollibihty of refraetion wnhout any divergency of
the light at all.
Having, about the beginning of the year tru,
tried their experiments, 1 loon after fet about grind-
ing tekfcopic objed-glaffes upon the new principles
of refraftions, which I had gathered from them
which objed-glaiks were compounded of two fphe-
deal glair.. with water between them. There &firs
I had the fatisfklion to find, w I had exFcaed, free
from the errors arifing from the different refrangi-
bility of light : for the refraftions, by which
rays were brought to a focus, were every-where the
differences between two contrary refraelions, in the
farne manner, and in tbe Fame proportions, as in the
experiment with the wedges.
flowerer, the images formed at the foci of there
objeCi-glalks woo ftill very far from being fo di-
Itintit as might have been expeded from the removal
of fo great a difturbance and yet it was not very
difficult to gads at the teat" when I confidered,
that the radii of the fphwital lichees of theft glaffes

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