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were required to be fo lhort, in order to make the

refrations in the required proportions, that they
muff produce abandons, Or MOTs, in the image, as
great, or gerater, than thofe from the difkrent re-
frangthality of light. And therefore, fixing no me-
ihod of getting over that difficulty, I gave up all
hopes of fucceeding in that way.
And yet, as theft experiments clearly proved, that
different fubdances diverged the light very differently,
in proportion to the refrallion ; I began to Cape%
that fuch variety might pollibly be fouled in different
forts of Oafs, efirecally as experience had already
thewn, dut (Dux nude much better objelf-glaffes,
in the dual way, than mhos : and as no fausfaltory
auk had as yet been aligned for fuch difference,
there was great reafon to prefome, that it might he
owing to the different divergency of thc light by their
Wherefore, the next bufinefs to be undertaken,
was to grind wedges of different kinds of glas, and
agply Mem together, fo that the refraCtions ought
be made in contrary 'dire:Edon., in order to dikover,
as in the foregoing experiments, whether the re-
fraCtion and dirwgeocy of the colours would vanifh
togaiber. Btu coderablc Otto elagied before I
mold fa about .foLworkt for tho' I was determined
to try it at oxy kifure, for fatisfying my own curiofity,
yet I did not coped to roam with difference fah-
cknt to give room for any great improvement of
tekkopes fo that it was not till the latter end of
the year that I undertook it, when my fiat trials
convinced me, that dais bufenefs really delayed my
mina attention and application.
5 11 Lid-

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