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r 74.

difenvered a difference, far beyond my hopes,
in the refradive qualities of different kinds of eats,
with retpett to their divergency of colours. The
yellow or Itraw-coloured foreign fort, commonly
called Venice glafs, and the Englifh crown glafi, are
very near alike in that relpeft, dm* in general the
crown gigs fcems to diverge the light rather the
leaft of the two. The common plate glafs made in
England diverges more ; and the white cryflal or
Hint Eng lifh glafi, as it is calied, moft of all.
It was not now my bofinefs to examine into the
particular qualities of every kind of g,lafs that I could
come at, much lets to anode myfelf with conjeCtures
about the <auk, but to fix upon fuch two forts as
their difference wss the grew!! ; which I foon found
to be the crown, and the white flint or cryflal. I
therefore ground a wedge of white flint of about up
degrees, and another of' crown of about so degrees,
which refraCted nearly alike ; but their divergency of
thc colours was very different. I then groond ten-
ral others of crown to difkrent angles, till I got
one, which was qual, with refpeCt to the divergency
of the light, to that in the white flint : for when
they were put together, fo as to refratt in contrary
direftions the refreeted light sou intirely free from
colour. Then
' maturing the refraftions of each
wedge, / found that of the white glats to be to that
of the crown nearly as e to 3 ; and this proportion
would hold very newly in all Mall angles. Where-
fore any two wedges made in this proportion, and
applied together, fo as to retied in a contrary di-
reftion, would refraCt the light without any diffe-
rence of refrangibility.

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