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ir 7,41.


C. Aft Acouxt V. an extraorolinary S'iorro

of 'Hail in Virginia. By Francis Fauquicr5
4i; Lieutenant Gowns,- of Virgjnia,
and F. R. S. Cononsunkatai 6, William
Fauquier, Efo; F. R. S.
% the RN. Tho. Birch, D.D- &int. A.S.
S I R,

a...1N., TN0 len. I reaired front my bomber,

t7t t. the lieutenant governor of Virginia,
he gives an account of a very remarkable ftorm of
hail s which, if you think it worth communicating
to the Society, is very much at their lervice.
It happened on Sunday the 9th of July, about
four o' clock in the afternoon, and was preceded by
kme thunder and lightning. It was a &all cloud,
that did not feem to threaten much befom its brak-
ing, and did not extend a full mile in breadth. It
patted over the middle of the town of Williamiburgh,
and the fkirts of the town had but little of it. Its
courfe was from N. by W. to S. by E. The hal-
ftones, or rather pieces of ice, were molt of them
of an oblong fquam form ; many of them an inch
and half long, and about three fourths of an inch
wide and deep and from one fide of moll of them
there proceeded Scarp fpikes, protuberant at leak
half an inch. He lays he cooled his wine, and froze
tram, with fome of them the next day and they
wcrc nm totally diffolred when he WM( to bed on

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