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Teacher : Sir Fazal Karim

“Satellite Communication System”

Group Members : Rahim KR000514, Noordin KR000540, Saleem KR000602

I N D E X
List of responsibilities. 1
Satellite Communication System.
Basic Elements of Satellite Communication
Types of Satellite and Explination
Asia Cellular Satellite System 8
Various Uses of Satelite Communication 9 - 11
Technological aspects of Satellite Communication 12 - 14
References 15

List of

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Rahim Noordin Saleem
KR000514 KR000540 KR000602

Satellite Communication Sys. 2

A Satellite is a specialized wireless* receiver/transmitter that is
launched by a rocket and placed in orbit around the earth.

There are hundreds of satellites currently in operation. They are used Wireless is a term used to
for such diverse purposes as weather forecasting, television describe telecommunications
broadcast, amateur radio communications, Internet communications, in which electromagnetic
waves (rather than some form
and the Global Positioning System (GPS)*. of wire) carry the signal over
part or all of the
communication path
First artificial satellite
The first artificial satellite, launched by Russia (then known as the
Soviet Union) in the late 1950s, was about the size of a basketball. It
did nothing but transmit a simple Morse code signal over and over.
Global Positioning System
In contrast, modern satellites can receive and re-transmit thousands (GPS) allows drivers of cars
of signals simultaneously, from simple digital data to the most and trucks, captains of boats
complex television programming. and ships, and pilots of
aircraft to ascertain their
location anywhere on earth

Satellite Communication Sys. 3

Basic Element in Satellite Communication
The Satellite
The satellite itself is also known as the space segment, and is
composed of three separate units, namely the fuel system,
the satellite and telemetry controls, and the transponder. The
transponder includes the receiving antenna to pick-up signals
from the ground station, a broad band receiver, an input
multiplexer, and a frequency converter which is used to
reroute the received signals through a high powered
amplifier for downlink

The Ground Station.

This is the earth segment. The ground station's job is two-fold.
In the case of an uplink, or transmitting station, terrestrial data
in the form of baseband signals, is passed through a baseband
processor, an up converter, a high powered amplifier, and
through a parabolic dish antenna up to an orbiting satellite. In
the case of a downlink, or receiving station, works in the
reverse fashion as the uplink, ultimately

 Satellite Communication Sys.

different types of Satellite Communications
Types of Communication Satellites Where GEO USE?
There are three types of communications So-called weather satellites are usually of
satellite systems. They are categorized this type You can view images from some
according to the type of orbit they follow. of these satellites on the Internet via the
Weather Processor. A single geostationary Height, distance
Geostationary Orbit Satellites ( GEO) satellite can "see" approximately 40 percent above sea level.
of the earth's surface. .
A geostationary satellite orbits the earth
directly over the equator, approximately Hover
22,287 miles up. At this altitude*, one Hang, float in air or
How GEO Works?
suspende in the air
complete trip around the earth (relative to Three such satellites, spaced at equal
the sun) takes 24 hours. Thus, the satellite intervals (120 angular degrees apart),
remains over the same spot on the earth's can provide coverage of the entire
surface at all times, and stays fixed in the civilized world. A geostationary
sky from any point on the surface from satellite can be accessed using a dish
which it can be "seen.". antenna aimed at the spot in the sky
where the satellite hover*

 Satellite Communication Sys.

different types of Satellite Communications
Wheref LEO use?
Second type of Satellite communication The entire system operates in a manner
system is :- similar to the way a cellular* telephone
functions. The main difference is that the
transponders, or wireless
receiver/transmitters, are moving rather than
Low Earth Orbit Satellites ( LEO) fixed, and are in space rather than on the
A low-earth-orbit (LEO) satellite system
employs a large fleet of "birds," each in a
circular orbit at a constant altitude of a few
hundred miles. The orbits take the
satellites over, or nearly over, the
geographic poles. Each revolution takes
approximately 90 minutes to a few hours. A well-designed LEO system makes it
The fleet is arranged in such a way that, possible for anyone to access the
from any point on the surface at any time, Internet via wireless from any point on Cellular Phones
at least one satellite is on a line of sight the planet, using an antenna no more Provide connectivity
sophisticated than old-fashioned for portable and
mobile applications .
television "rabbit ears."

 Satellite Communication Sys. 6

Satellite Internet Connections
Two-way Communication?
How it works?
In a two-way satellite Internet connection,
A dish antenna, measuring about two feet
the upstream data is usually sent and the
high by three feet wide by three feet deep,
downstream data arrives through Satellite
transmits and receives signals. Uplink
speeds are nominally 50 to 150 Kbps for a
subscriber using a single computer. The
downlink occurs at speeds ranging from
about 150 Kbps to more than 1200 Kbps,
depending on factors such as Internet
Satellite Internet Connection traffic, the capacity of the server, and the
A satellite Internet connection is an sizes of downloaded files.
arrangement in which the upstream
(outgoing) and the downstream (incoming) Note
data are sent from, and arrive at, a Satellite Internet systems are an excellent,
although rather pricey, option for people in
computer through a satellite. Each rural areas where Digital Subscriber Line
subscriber's hardware includes a satellite One-way Communication? (DSL) and cable modem connections are
dish antenna and a transceiver In One-way satellite Internet connection, not available. A satellite installation can be
the upstream data is usually sent by used even where the most basic utilities are
(transmitter/receiver) that operates in the
lacking, if there is a generator or battery
microwave portion of the radio spectrum Telephone line and the downstream data power supply that can produce enough
arrives through Satellite electricity to run a desktop computer
system. The two-way satellite Internet Kbps
There are two types of Satellite Internet
option offers an always-on connection that Kilo bits per
communication:- (See Illustration for more detail for one way second .
bypasses the dial-up process
communication )

 Satellite Communication Sys.

different types of Satellite Communications

Thire type of Satellite communication

System is :-

Medium Earth Orbit Satellites ( LEO)

A medium earth orbit (MEO) satellite is

one with an orbit within the range from a
few hundred miles to a few thousand miles Footprint
Coverage area on the
above the earth's surface. Satellites of this earth surface.
type orbit higher than low earth orbit
MEO satellites are closer to the earth than
(LEO) satellites, but lower than
geostationary satellites, earth-based
geostationary satellites
transmitters with relatively low power and Thus a global-coverage fleet of MEO
modest-sized antennas can access the satellites can have fewer members than
The orbital periods of MEO satellites
system. Because MEO satellites orbit at a global-coverage fleet of LEO
range from about two to 12 hours. Some
higher altitudes than LEO satellites, the satellites
MEO satellites orbit in near perfect circles,
useful footprint* is greater for each
and therefore have constant altitude and
travel at a constant speed. Other MEO
satellites revolve in elongated orbits

 Satellite Communication Sys.

Asia Cellular Satellite Sys. (ACES)
In Pakistan
Asia Cellular Satellite System ACeS is expected to be available in an area from Indonesia
Asia Cellular Satellite System(ACeS) is a combined cellular telephone and satellite in the South; Papua, New Guinea in the East; Japan in the
wireless system from Ericsson that provides digital communication service to mobile North; and Pakistan in the West, an area with a combined
phone and computer users in the Asia Pacific Region. Adding satellite communication to population of three billion. ACeS wilI make it possible for
the terrestrial Global System for Mobile (GSM) communication system, ACeS is billed as many people to have telecommunication services for the
the first integrated satellite-GSM system in the world. Users with Ericsson dual-mode first time. ACeS has signed over 19 roaming service
terminals will be able to roam within the region switching as necessary between cellular agreements with GSM operators
(local) service and satellite service

How it works?
ACeS subscribers are provided with a GSM subscriber identify module (SIM) and a
network access code (which is a telephone number) that can be used outside the region or
within the region when blockage of satellite signals occur (typically, by nearby buildings).
GSM subscribers visiting the region can also reach other GSM services via satellite if they
have an ACeS SIM and an ACeS terminal.

 Satellite Communication Sys.

Various Uses of Satellite Communication.
Traditional Telecommunication System
Since the beginnings of the long distance telephone
network, there has been a need to connect the
telecommunications networks of one country to another.
This has been accomplished in several ways. Submarine
cables have been used most frequently. However, there are
many occasions where a large long distance carrier will
choose to establish a satellite based link to connect to
transoceanic points, geographically remote areas or poor
countries that have little communications infrastructure.
Groups like the international satellite consortium Intelsat
have fulfilled much of the world's need for this type of Cellular

service. To increase the bandwidth available to ground based cellular networks. Every cell in a
cellular network divides up a fixed range of channels which consist of either frequencies,
as in the case of FDMA systems, or time slots, as in the case of TDMA. Since a
particular cell can only operate within those channels allocated to it, overloading can

By using satellites which operate at a frequency outside those of the cell, we can provide
extra satellite channels on demand to an overloaded cell. These extra channels can just as
easily be, once free, used by any other overloaded cell in the network, and are not bound
by bandwidth restrictions like those used by the cell

 Satellite Communication Sys. 10

Various Use s of Satellite Communication.

 Fixed Satellite Service (FSS)

Ku Band (11.7 - 12.2 GHz) – Satellites operating in this band can be spaced as
Television Signals closely as two degrees apart in space, and carry from 12 to 24 transponders that
operate at a wide range of powers from 20 to 120 watts each. Typical receive
Satellites have been used for since the 1960's to transmit
antennas are three to six feet in diameter. More than 20 FSS Ku-Band satellites
broadcast television signals between the network hubs of are in operation over North America today, including several "hybrid" satellites
television companies and their network affiliates. which carry both C-Band and Ku-Band transponders. PrimeStar currently
. operates off Satcom K-2, an FSS or so-called "medium-power" Ku-Band
satellite. AlphaStar also uses an FSS-Ku Band satellite, Telestar 402-R
In the 1970's, it became possible for private individuals to
download the same signal that the networks and cable  Broadcasting Satellite Service (BSS)
companies were transmitting, using c-band reception dishes. Ku-Band (12.2 - 12.7 GHz) - Satellites operating in this band are spaced nine
degrees apart in space, and normally carry 16 transponders that operate at powers
in excess of 100 watts. Typical receive antennas are 18 inches in diameter. The
United States has been allocated eight BSS orbital positions, of which three (101,
110 and 119 degrees) are the so-called prime "CONUS" slots from which a DBS
provider can service the entire 48 contiguous states with one satellite. A total of
C-Band (3.7 - 4.2 GHz) – Satellites operating in this band 32 DBS "channels" are available at each orbital position, which allows for
can be spaced as close as two degrees apart in space, and delivery of some 250 video signals when digital compression technology is
normally carry 24 transponders operating at 10 to 17 watts
each. Typical receive antennas are 6 to 7.5 feet in diameter.
More than 250 channels of video and 75 audio services are
DBS (Direct Broadcast Satellite) -The transmission of audio and video signals via satellite
available today from more than 20 C-Band satellites over
direct to the end user. More than four million households in the United States enjoy C-
North America. Virtually every cable programming service
Band DBS. Medium-power Ku-Band DBS surfaced in the late 1990s with high power Ku-
is delivered via C-Band.
Band DBS launched in 1994.

 Satellite Communication Sys.

Various Uses of Satellite Communication.
Satellite Messaging for Commercial Jets
Another service provided by geosyncronous satellites are the ability for
a passenger on an airbourne aircraft to connect directly to a landbased
telecom network.

Marine Communication
In the maritime community, satellite communication systems such as
Inmarsat provide good communication links to ships at sea. These links use a
VSAT type device to connect to geosynchronous satellites, which in turn link
the ship to a land based point of presence to the respective nations
telecommunications system

Space Land Mobile

Along the same lines as the marine based service, there are VSAT devices
Global Positioning Service
which can be used to establish communication links even from the world's
Another VSAT oriented service, in which a small apparatus containing
most remote regions. These devices can be hand-held, or fit into a briefcase.
the ability to determine navigational coordinates by calculating a
Digital data at 64K ISDN is available with some (Inmarsat).
triangulating of the signals from multiple geosynchronous satellites

 Satellite Communication Sys.

Technological aspects.

Satellite for data
Error Correction

Incorporating satellites into terrestrial networks is often Due to the high noise present on a satellite link, numerous error correction techniques
Hindered by three characteristics possessed by satellite have been tested in on such links. They fall into the two categories of forward-error-
Communication. correction (FEC) and automatic-repeat-request (ARQ

 Forward Error Correction (FEC)

 Latency (propagation delay)
In this method a certain number of information symbols are mapped to new
Due to the high altitudes of satellite orbits, the time
information symbols, but in such a way as to get more symbols than were
required for a transmission to navigate a satellite link
original had. When these new symbols are checked on the receiving end, the
(more than 2/10ths of a second from earth station to
redundant symbols are used to decipher the original symbols, as well as to
earth station) could cause a variety of problems on a
check for data integrity. The more redundant symbols that are included in the
high speed terrestrial network that is waiting for the
mapping, the better the reliability of the error correction. However it should be
noted that the more redundant symbols that are used to achieve better integrity,
 Poor Bandwidth the more bandwidth that is wasted. Since this method uses relatively a large
Due to radio spectrum limitations, there is a fixed amount redundant data, it may not be the most efficient choice on a clear
amount of bandwidth allocable to satellite transmission. channel. However when noise levels are high, FEC can more reliably ensure the
integrity of the data.
 Noise
A radio signals strength is in proportion to the square of
the distance traveled. Due to the distance between
ground station and satellite, the signal ultimately gets
very weak. This problem can be solved by using
appropriate error correction techniques, however.


Satellite Communication Sys.

Technological aspects.
 Automatic Repeat Request(ARR) 13
In this method, data is broken into packets. Within each packet is included an error checking key. This key is often of the cyclic redundancy

check (CRC) sort. If the error code reflects a loss of integrity in a packet, the receiver can request the sender to resend that packet. ARR is not
very good in a channel with high noise, since many retransmissions will be required, and the noise levels that corrupted the initial packet will be
likely to cause corruption in subsequent packets. ARR is more suitable to relatively noise free channels.

 Stop and wait (SW)

With this form of ARR, the sender must wait for an acknowledgement of each packet before it can send a new one. This can take
upwards of 4/10ths of a second per packet since it takes 2/10ths seconds for the receiver to get the packet an another 2/10th seconds for
the sender to receive the acknowledgement

 Go-back-N (GBN)
This method of ARR is an improvement over stop and wait in that it allows the sender to keep sending packets until it gets a request for
a resend. When the sender gets such a request, it sends packets starting at the requested packet over again. It can again send packets
until it receives another retransmit request, and so on.

 Selective-repeat (SR)
This ARR protocol is an improvement over GBN in that it allows the receiver to request a retransmit of only that packet that it needs,
instead of that packet and all that follows it. The receiver, after receiving a bad packet and requesting a retransmit, can continue to
accept any good packets that are coming. This method is the most efficient method for satellite transmissions of the three ARR
methods discussed.

ARR methods can be demonstrated to provide a usable error correction scheme, but it is also the most expensive, in terms of hardware.
This is in part due to the buffering memory that is required, but more importantly to the cost of the receiver, which needs to be able to
transmit re-requests. Systems such as the Digital Broadcast Satellites used for television signal distribution would become inordinately
expensive if they had to make use of ARR, since the home based receiver would now need to be a transmitter, and the 18 inch dish
would be inadequate for the requirements of transmitting back to a satellite

 Satellite Communication Sys.

Technological aspects.

Hybrid Network
In fact, a product currently being marketed by Direct PC called Turbo
Internet uses a form of hybrid network. The system uses two network
interfaces; one connects via a special ISA bus PC adapter to a receive-only
Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT), while the other is a modem
attached to a serial port. Inbound traffic comes down to the VSAT, while
A hybrid network is one that allows data to flow across a network, outbound traffic goes through the modem link. The two interfaces are
using many types of media, either satellite, wireless or terrestrial, combined to appear as a single virtual interface to upper layer TCP/IP

transparently. Since each type of media will have different protocol stacks by a special NDIS compliant driver. The Serial Line
Internet Protocol (SLIP) is used to connect the modem-based link with an
characteristics, it is necessary to implement a standard transmission internet service provider. Packets, which are encapsulated by the terminal
protocol. One that is normally used in hybrid networks is TCP/IP such that the desired ip address of the destination host is embedded
underneath the IP address of the Direct PC Gateway, to which all packets
leaving the terminal must go. Once at the gateway, the outer packet is
stripped, and the gateway contacts the destination address within. Upon the
gateway's receiving the request from the host, it then prepares the packet
for satellite transmission, which is then used to send the packet back to the

In one form of hybrid network, the reciever transmits its requests back to
the sender via a terrestrial link. Terrestrial link allows for quicker, more
economical and less error prone transmission from the reciever, and the
costs associated with the receivers hardware are greatly reduced when
compared to the costs involved if it had to transmit back over the satellite
link.. There are products on the market today that allow a home user to get
intenet access at around 400MB via digital satellite, while its retransmit
signals are sent via an inexpensive modem or ISDN line.

Satellite Communication Sys.

Satellites, Orbits, Mobile, wireless
communication etc.
"Effective Extensions of Internet in Hybrid ences/inet/96/proceedings/g1/g1_1.htm
Satellite-Terrestrial Networks"
ellite_index.html Low Earth orbiting satellite
Centre for Satellite
LVivek Engineering
Arora, NarinResearch
Suphasindhu, John S. DBS dish
of satellite
news and informations
High bandwidth web page Low & earth
internet messaging
orbit overview
Baras, Douglas Dillon communication network
Snaps and picutres

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