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“Players in the System game” Page 2 of 2


“Players in the System game”


Teacher : Rehan Ansari

Noordin KR000540

Systems Analysis and Design Methods", Whitten, Bentley, and Dittman

“Players in the System game” Page 2 of 2

Players in the system game ?

"Systems Analysis and Design Methods", Whitten, Bentley, and Dittman
McGraw-Hill Irwin, 5th Edition, 2001

An information system (IS) is an arrangement of people, data, processes, communications, and

information technology that interact to support and improve day-to-day operations in a business, as
well as support the problem-solving and decision-making needs of management and users. Well –
designed information is actionable – it is clear, truthful, timely and valuable in making the decisions at
hand. It can clearify meaning, created consensus and get the message across in a second.The
reason how it passes is cause of Stalkholder and they are

 System Owner; pay for the system to be built and maintained

 System users use the system to perform or support the work to be completed.
 System designers design the system to meet the users’ requirements.
 System builders construct, test, and deliver the system into operation.
 Systems analysts facilitate the development of information systems and computer
applications by bridging the communications gap that exists between nontechnical system
owners and users and technical system designers and builders.
 IT vendors and consultants sell hardware, software, and services to businesses for
incorporation into their information systems.
Getting Started with the system game?
In each level of System design most system players are unfamiliar with the problems they are going
to face for instance; system processes, database modeling, design and implementation. Although
each level is different, the analyst should always begin with understanding who will be using the
information, for what purpose or to answer what question. The next step is to explore the
requirement and expectation to give them best attention then develop schematics that capture and
communicate the meaning. If the problems are unsolved return back to the previous level to make it
 A major computer company had an inkling (hint) that customer were confused and frustrated with
what it took to set up a notebook computer. The company shipped a computer to the office of two
information designers and asked them to give it a try. Inside the box they found the computer plus
27 other items, six of which were boldly marked, “Open Me First”, All six of these items turned out
to be marketing literature. The instructions for getting started with the computer were buried
somewhere in the mess. So the system designer create a map a diagram that customers lay out
on their computer table. It showed exactly where to place each component as the customer took
it out of the box and exactly how to connect it a clear and simple way to get the message across.

Who are the opponents in the system game?

In System game opponents are all kind of businesess whether its traditional i.e handed down by
tradition where different dept got seperate analysts which consistently checks on the on going
situation. In other words, more than one people working on the same the work fast but not efficient .
The second opponent comes under Contemporary Information System Organization where from
every dept they got there Representative which perform a team work on the given project. Thirdly
Outside services are also involved as paying them commision to bring information similarly different
consulting organization which gives suggestion what to do, when to do, why to do and what not to do.

Systems Analysis and Design Methods", Whitten, Bentley, and Dittman

“Players in the System game” Page 2 of 2

 Despite having voluminous data on physician prescriptions, the manager of a pharamaceutical

firm could note tell why they were losing market share in one region of the Country. As a result,
their efforts to stop share loss were not having much impact. When this bring to the Information
Experts, they experiment with the data, laying it out in various succinct ( clear an brief) formats,
the key insight emerged; an influential doctor had changed his prescribing pattern. Now the
company could target the physician personally with a renewed marketing effort. In this example,
Information design was used for analysis. It clarified what the data meant and led the company to
take the right action.

Scoring in the System game ?

Total quality management (TQM) is a comprehensive approach to facilitating quality improvements
and management within a business.
Business Process redesign (BPR), is the study, analysis and redisgn of fundamental business
process to reduce cost and improve organization’s goodwill.
Continuous Process Improvement (CPI), is the continuous monitoring of business processes to effect
small but measurable improvement to cost reduction and value added.
Electronic Commerce ( E – Commerce ), involves conducting both internal and external business
over the internet, intranet and extranets. It includes buying and selling of goods and services,
transfer of funds and the simplification of day-to-day business processes - all through digital
 A Web design company was having trouble working with its clients, who would often delay
approvals, yet still expect teh project to be finishedon time. The firm created a diagramthat
depictedthe entire development process, showing all the players – including the client – and their
various responsibilities. “ The Chart appeared friendly”, said its designer, “ but the whole point
was to help the client understand that they better hold up their end of the bargain or there would
be additional charges” . Here information design was used to build consensus ( shared
understanding ) of the the impact of delays .

Who will be the Winner ?

On the basis of working knowledge, computer programming experience and expertise, business
knowledge, problem solvign skills, interpersonal communication skills, flexiblility, character and ethics
and most of the important System Analysis and Design skills “Sytem Analysts” rules the System

Alas , The Sweet End

Systems Analysis and Design Methods", Whitten, Bentley, and Dittman

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