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Emerging Technologies

in Library Websites
Blogging, RSS, and the OPAC
Presented by:
Heidi Hansen & Sarah Stopera

LIS 6080 – Information Technology

Blog (or weblog)
 A frequently updated website managed by one
author or a group.
 Uses specific software to post, update, and organize
content for a targeted audience.
 Started in 1995 as way to organize and share links
on personal websites.
 Around 2000 the blogging revolution begins.
Blogger launched in August 1999.
 In 2004 blogs became more mainstream. Now
being used by corporations, news, and political
Emerging Technologies in Library Websites
Blogging & Libraries
 Blogging Pros
 Marketing library services and events
 Easy to update
 Website stays current
 Community participation
 Free & Open Source Technology
 Blogging Cons
 Need people to maintain regularly
 More vulnerable to comment abuse

Emerging Technologies in Library Websites

Blogging & Libraries
 Marketing Library Services & Events
 Many levels of information
 Main page presents patrons with broad information
 Different blogs help direct patrons to specific
 Example: Ann Arbor District Library
 Main page is a blog that highlights featured events
 Subject based blogs available throughout site
 Collaborative effort by library staff
 Comments are enabled and edited for inappropriate
Emerging Technologies in Library Websites
Blogging & Libraries
 Enhances Library Services
 Encourage Community Involvement
 Blogs for book clubs or teen groups

 Blogs for training and classes

 Etc.

 Easy Archival
 Instant archiving when published
 Automatic, searchable index created
 List of Blogging Libraries:
 Blogging Libraries Wiki

Emerging Technologies in Library Websites

Waterloo Public Library Book
Club Blog
St. Joseph County Public
Library Game Blog
RSS Integration
 What is RSS?
 Stands for “Really Simple Syndication”
 A file format used to aggregate content to
online services, client software, websites, or
 RSS goes hand-in-hand with blogging
 Tied into blog, when blog is updated the XML
file is updated and then the newsreader is

Emerging Technologies in Library Websites

How RSS Works
RSS & Libraries
 RSS Pros
 Streamline information
• Most currently updated information comes directly to patron
 Add instant content to your site from other sources
• Examples: Local events, weather, news
 Offer patrons access to their account information through their
• Holds, checkouts, due dates from their online accounts.
 Self-Administering
• Do not need to maintain a list of subscribers for newsletters
 RSS Cons
 Many sites still don’t support RSS feeds
 Some aggregators don’t support every format (RSS, Atom, RDF,
 Users may visit your site infrequently
• Smaller hit counts
• Services like FeedBurner can track feed circulation

Emerging Technologies in Library Websites

Hennepin County Library
RSS Feeds
Ann Arbor District Library –
Heidi’s Library Account
 Screenshot used in presentation, but
hidden from public view.
 You really didn’t want to know what I
had checked out anyway. 
The Future of the OPAC
 Ways libraries can improve their OPACs
 From code4lib “Lipstick on a Pig: 7 Ways to
Improve the Sex Life of Your OPAC”
 book cover images

 book reviews

 live circulation usage history

 recommendation engine


 live librarian support (link to virtual reference)

 shortcut, durable links to specific items

Emerging Technologies in Library

The WordPress Opac (WPopac)
 Library Catalog as a Blog
 Automatic RSS Feeds
 User Tools
 Find Similar Items
 Request Holds (redirecting to account login)
 Add to
 Comments
 Static URL
 Archive
 New entries to the catalog are at the top

Emerging Technologies in Library

AquaBrowser – Queens Library
 Search
 Uses simple query box, similar to current
 Discover
 Visual Map (or “word cloud”)
 Displays other relevant search terms to help
users find related information
 Refine
 Filters original query by Format, Subject,
Genre, etc.

Emerging Technologies in Library

 Blogs
 Makes it easier for libraries and patrons
to participate in their communities
 Provides a forum for discussion on
library services and events
 Quick and easy way for patrons to
subscribe to library information
 Allows other users to put your content
in their sites

Emerging Technologies in Library

 Blogs& RSS are just a few of the tools
that can make the library OPAC more
user friendly and efficient

Emerging Technologies in Library

 Wikipedia definition of blog:
 Why and How to Use Blogs to Promote Your Library Services:
 Waterloo Public Library Book Club Blog:
 St. Joseph County Public Library Game Blog:
 Blogging Libraries Wiki:
 Wikipedia definition of RSS:
 RSS Diagram:
 FeedBurner:
 Code4lib “Lipstick on a Pig”:
 Word Press Opac - WPopac:
 About AquaBrowser:
 AquaBrowser - Queens Library:

Emerging Technologies in Library


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