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Tab Group/Type Parameter Enabled

NA Mandatory New PLN Nbr NA

NA Mandatory Old PLN Nbr NA
NA Mandatory New PLN Desc NA
NA Mandatory New UPC Nbr NA
NA Mandatory Old UPC Nbr NA
NA Mandatory Current WIC NA
NA Mandatory New WIC (WIC Change) NA
NA Mandatory OpStudy Number NA
NA Mandatory OpStudy Name NA
NA Mandatory New(add)/Deleted(drop)/Keep (A/D/K) NA
NA Mandatory System Reason Code NA
NA Mandatory Included/Excluded (I/E) NA

NA Mandatory Status of WIC Change NA

NA Mandatory Reason Code for Deletes NA

NA Mandatory Disposition of Deleted Items NA

NA Mandatory Confirmed Delete (Y/N) NA

NA Mandatory Comments NA
Single Metrics Item Avg Pre Facings No
Single Metrics Item Avg Post Facings Yes
Single Metrics Item Height Yes
Single Metrics Item Width Yes
Single Metrics Item Depth Yes
Single Metrics Item New Item Exit Strategy No
Single Metrics Stores Pre # of Stores No
Single Metrics Stores Post # of Stores Yes
Single Metrics Stores % of Store still Carry No
Single Metrics Stores Pre Chainwide/Targeted No
Single Metrics Stores Post Chainwide/Targeted No
Single Metrics Inventory Import (Y/N) Yes
Single Metrics Inventory Entire Line (Brand) No
Single Metrics Inventory Entire Vendor Deleted (Y/N) No
Single Metrics Inventory Do Not Buy Date Yes
Single Metrics Inventory Do Not Ship Date Yes
Single Metrics Inventory Total DOS (Store) Yes
Single Metrics Inventory Total DOS (DC) Yes
Single Metrics Inventory Case Pack Yes
Single Metrics Inventory Store Order Min Yes
Single Metrics Inventory Shelf Min No
Single Metrics Inventory Type of Distribution No
Single Metrics Inventory Deleted from which DC No
Single Metrics Inventory DSD (Y/N) Yes
Single Metrics Inventory New Item Initial Buy No
Single Metrics Inventory New Item Safety Stock No
Single Metrics Inventory New Item Clone Yes
Single Metrics Inventory Smart Auth No
Single Metrics Disposition Life Cycle Status Yes
Single Metrics Disposition Exit Date Yes
Single Metrics Disposition Markdown (Y/N) Yes
Single Metrics Disposition Call In (Y/N) No
Single Metrics Disposition Can item be put into clearence section (Y/N) No
Single Metrics Resets Dept Reset Priority - # of Changes No
Single Metrics Resets Dept Reset Priority - Dept$ No
Single Metrics Vendor Pre # of items by total vendor Yes
Single Metrics Vendor Post # of items by total vendor No
Single Metrics Vendor Vendor Diversity No
Single Metrics Vendor Vendor Number Yes
Single Metrics Vendor Vendor Description Yes
Single Metrics Planos Space in Plano for Sell thru after Reset (Y/N) No
Single Metrics Planos Historical/Projected Sell thru (High= No Smoothing) No
Single Metrics Planos Total Items Deleted (Few=No Smoothing) No
Multiple Metrics Transfer Information DC Pre Units Yes
Multiple Metrics Transfer Information Store Pre Units Yes
Multiple Metrics Transfer Information Transfer to Item No
Multiple Metrics Transfer Information % Increase No
Multiple Metrics Transfer Information Post Units No
Multiple Metrics AD Information Primary (parent)/ Exploded (Child) (P/C) No
Multiple Metrics AD Information Planned in upcoming ROTO Yes
Multiple Metrics AD Information AD Break Date Yes
Multiple Metrics AD Information AD Type Yes
Multiple Metrics AD Information In AD Bulletin (Y/N) No
Multiple Metrics AD Information On Group Sheet (Y/N) No
Multiple Metrics AD Information Any Open PO No
Multiple Metrics Planos Affected Planos Affected by Delete Items Yes
Not Sourced Yet Vendor Supported Markdowns No
Not Sourced Yet Picture in AD (Y/N) No
Not Sourced Yet Avg Pre Facings No
Not Sourced Yet New Item Exit Strategy No
Not Sourced Yet Pre # of Stores No
Not Sourced Yet % Store still carry No
Not Sourced Yet Pre Chainwide/Targeted No
Not Sourced Yet Post Chainwide/Targeted No
Not Sourced Yet Entire Line (Brand) No
Not Sourced Yet Entire Vendor Deleted (Y/N) No
Not Sourced Yet Shelf Min No
Not Sourced Yet Type of Distribution No
Not Sourced Yet Deleted from which DC No
Not Sourced Yet New Item Initial Buy No
Not Sourced Yet New Item Safety Stock No
Not Sourced Yet Smart Auth (Y/N) No
Not Sourced Yet Call In (Y/N) No
Not Sourced Yet Can item be put into clearence section (Y/N) No
Not Sourced Yet Dept Reset Priority - # of Changes No
Not Sourced Yet Dept Reset Priority - Dept$ No
Not Sourced Yet Post # of items by total vendor No
Not Sourced Yet Vendor Diversity No
Not Sourced Yet Space in Plano for Sell thru after Reset (Y/N) No
Not Sourced Yet Historical/Projected Sell thru (High= No Smoothing) No
Not Sourced Yet Total Items Deleted (Few=No Smoothing) No
Not Sourced Yet Transfer to Item No
Not Sourced Yet % Increase No
Not Sourced Yet Post Units No
Not Sourced Yet Primary (parent)/ Exploded (Child) (P/C) No
Not Sourced Yet In AD Bulletin (Y/N) No
Not Sourced Yet On Group Sheet (Y/N) No
Not Sourced Yet Any Open PO No

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