PSR Reports Spring 2009

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V i s i t P S R o n t h e w e b a t w w w . p s r .

o r g

PSR Reports
PSR is the U.S. affiliate of
International Physicians for
the Prevention of Nuclear War,
recipient of the 1985 Nobel
Prize for Peace.

Vol. 31 NO. 1 
P h y s i c i a n s   f o r   S o c i a l   R e s p o n s i b i l i t y
Winter/Spring 2009

From the   Steps to Zero

Executive Director PSR Builds Support for Eliminating Nuclear Weapons
Giving N ew U.S. leadership presents an

Our All unparalleled opportunity to

make progress toward a world free of
nuclear weapons. President Obama

I t is my privilege and honor to

be serving as PSR’s executive
director. We are in the midst of
said he would:
Set a new direction in U.S. nuclear
an amazing time, with enormous weapons policy and show the world
possibilities before us. The new that America believes in its existing
leadership in our country has commitment under the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty to work
created hope and promise for to ultimately eliminate all nuclear
a better world, and the chance weapons.
for real progress toward a world Russia toward treaties that reduce Jill Parillo (center)
free of nuclear weapons and less With decades of experience advo- both nations’ arsenals and verify these moderates Step to Zero panel
threatened by global warming. cating for nuclear disarmament and cuts, and measures to strengthen the featuring Dr. Edward Ifft,
I was fortunate enough to be communicating the threats to human nonproliferation regime, including School of Foreign Service
able to attend President Obama’s life and health that nuclear weapons discussion of a treaty to end the pro- at Georgetown University;
inauguration. It was a powerful and materials pose, PSR is gearing duction of nuclear weapon material. Jenifer Mackby, Center for
experience: to be surrounded by up to take advantage of this window We must keep in mind that real Strategic and International
almost 2 million people from all of opportunity. PSR is working with change on these issues will not take Studies; Sharon Squassoni,
over the country, full of open- chapters and members nationwide place without support from Congress. Carnegie Endowment for
heartedness, generosity and to turn this vision of a world free of To gain public and congressional International Peace; and
kindness for one another as we nuclear weapons into reality. support, PSR needs to change the Dr. Jeffrey G. Lewis, New
waited in long lines and dealt The impending expiration of the terms of the debate so that ­taking America Foundation.
Continued on page  Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty “Steps to Zero” is perceived as a
(START), the 2010 Non-Prolif- ­serious, urgent public health matter.
eration Treaty review conference, To help us reach our goal, PSR has
and concerns about the heightened launched new efforts and developed
new resources:
Albert Brown, Council for Livable World

tension between the United States

and Iran all increase the urgency of
PSR’s work. Last month PSR held a  PSR has a new PowerPoint pre-
forum in Washington, D.C., called sentation, designed for health
“Steps to Zero.” The event, held at professional audiences, on
the ­Carnegie Endowment for Inter- ­current nuclear weapons issues:
national Peace, attracted more than “Steps to Zero: A Grand Rounds
100 policy advisors and arms control Presentation.”  A version of the
PSR Executive Director Peter Wilk presentation for the general public
experts to discuss steps towards zero
and Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) at a nuclear weapons, including: ratifica- will be available soon. To sched-
pre-Inauguration Breakfast tion of the Comprehensive Test Ban ule a presentation, or for more
Treaty (CTBT), negotiations with Continued on page 

The Call to Environmental Activism

P SR’s environmental health cam-
paigns hold the potential to lower
significantly the public health risks
health warning that “there is no
such thing as clean coal,” Code
Black promotes the health benefits
Inside this issue

associated with global warming and of an economy based on non-­fossil

exposure to toxic chemicals and air fuel energy and centered on en- 2 Clean Energy Victorious
pollutants. We are currently operating ergy conservation, ­efficiency and Over Nuclear Energy
three major campaigns: ­renewables.

1. Code Black: Coal’s Assault on 2. Confronting Toxics. By prepar-

3 Student PSR to Hold
April Conference
America’s Health. Through this ing health professionals to speak
campaign, PSR is working to defeat about the chemical trespass of tox-
the permitting of more than 100 ic substances into our bodies, we 3 PSR Lobby Day in
coal plants proposed in the U.S. are fostering the development of Washington, D.C.,
If built, these plants would emit Code Black Program Manager Barb Gottlieb new and credible health messen- on April 2
huge quantities of CO2 and other addresses members of the media in South gers, who call for chemical policy
dangerous air pollutants into the Carolina. reform in their states and in the
atmosphere. PSR adds the unique federal Toxic Substances Control
and knowledgeable voices of health would increase global warming Act. Reforming chemical manage-
professionals to the debates about and add to the extensive morbid- ment laws is an effective way to
these plants, providing scientific ity and mortality caused by coal reduce exposure to the hazardous
detail on how coal combustion plant pollution. Coupled with the Continued on page 
w inter/ spr i n g 2 0 0 9

Safe Energy Claims Victory

Over Nuclear Energy
at right: Michele Boyd,
PSR’s safe energy director, leads
a workshop on alternatives to
P SR is leading a national campaign
to block subsidies for new nu-
clear reactors and oppose the repro-
a significant portion of which would
have subsidized the construction of
new nuclear reactors. The provi-
nuclear energy. cessing of nuclear waste. As the U.S. sion was added to the Senate version
seeks real solutions to climate change, of the bill at the request of Sen. Bob
the nuclear industry continues to try Bennett (R-UT) and likely would
to redefine itself as “clean” and grab a have stayed, were it not for the efforts development and that these risks
large chunk  of U.S. taxpayer dollars.  of PSR and other groups that drew would have been borne by the U.S.
PSR’s safe energy program shines a attention to the risk these loan guar- taxpayers. And new nuclear reactors
harsh light on the true dangers of antees would pose for the American would mean more radioactive waste
nuclear power, as well as its exorbi- people. Rather than creating jobs, piling up, with no plan for its long-
tant costs and unresolved radioactive as the provisions in the stimulus term management.
waste issue.  bill were intended to do, the loan Our success in striking nuclear
In February, PSR and its allies guarantees would have constituted a energy subsidies from the stimu-
scored a major victory when a provi- bailout of the nuclear industry. PSR lus package should help the U.S.
sion was removed from the economic drove home the message that there focus on the right kinds of energy
stimulus bill that would have autho- are huge environmental liabilities and ­development. “We need to move ­
rized $50 billion in loan guarantees, financial risks associated with nuclear Continued on page 

 environmental activism
All three campaigns are educating slideshows, some intended for the
Continued from page 1
people and engaging them in actions general public and others for the
chemicals that are so pervasive in that will make a difference. Opportunities medical, nursing or public health
products we use in our homes and for PSR members to “prevent what we community. Health professionals can
workplaces, on our bodies and in cannot cure” range from the simple use the slideshows for Grand Rounds;
our food. Among the chemicals to the sophisticated. PSR provides re- in making presentations before medi-
we target: endocrine disruptors sources on our website for concerned cal, nursing and public health asso-
such as bisphenol A (found in citizens and health professionals. ciations or societies and to boards of
food containers) and persistent New offerings available soon will in- health; and in asking medical, nurs-
bioaccumulative toxins, those sub- clude reports on coal pollution and ing or public health organizations to
stances such as mercury that build human health, the alternatives to fos- pass resolutions on specific policies.
up over time in ­organisms and in sil fuel energy sources, and the results These slideshows will be available soon
the food chain. of a biomonitoring project conducted for download from our website.
on health professionals. We’re also The next important step you can
3. The “Pediatric Environmental developing several new slideshows. take, as a health professional or as a
PSR Reports Health Toolkit” (PEHT) These resources, like all of the ma- concerned citizen, is to communicate
(ISSN‑0894-6264) is the
newsletter of Physicians for
Dissemination Project. The terials that PSR produces, are based to decision makers your concerns
Social ­Responsibility, PEHT, developed by PSR’s San on reputable scientific findings, care- about environmental issues. One way
a nonprofit organization. Francisco and Boston chapters, is fully documented and presented in to do that is to participate in PSR’s
Guided by the values and ex‑ a tool to help pediatric providers objective terms. These high standards electronic activist listserv. You’ll find
pertise of medicine and public and health educators incorpo- enable PSR to conduct science-based that opportunity on the homepage of
health, Physicians for Social rate age-­appropriate intervention advocacy that carries the weight and our website ( in the box
Responsibility works to protect guidance during well-child visits, authority of our expert sources. marked “Take action.” You can also
human life from the gravest
threats to health and survival.
identifying potential environmen- After you have educated yourself, use PSR’s prepared talking points
tal hazards and providing inter- we invite you to spread the word. All and petitions to help colleagues or
To receive PSR Reports regularly, ventions to help avoid exposures. our environmental campaigns ­offer slideshow audience members write
we invite you to join PSR and letters to policy makers, to health
support our work. Write to PSR, officials or to the editor of your local
1875 Connecticut Ave., NW, newspaper.
Suite 1012, Washington, DC If you are a health professional,
20009, or visit our website
you can incorporate environmental
health preventative education into
your clinical practice and institu-
Evan Kanter, M.D.
tionalize it as standard of care. The
PEHT, endorsed by the American
Executive Director
Academy of Pediatrics, provides the
Peter Wilk, M.D.
clinical tools to make this addition to
Legislative Director, Policy and your practice seamless.
Programs: Will Callaway
At the most sophisticated level of
Environment and Health engagement, some of PSR’s members
Program Director: are scientific researchers. We call
Kristen Welker-Hood
upon those members to apply their
Development Director and expertise and professional standing
Executive Editor:
to our work by providing expert testi-
Mary Dillon Kerwin
Association leaders gather at PSR to develop recommendations for institutionalizing environment mony on issues relating to energy and
Editor: Sally James, and health into clinical practice and health professional education. Standing: Kristin Stoime- to toxics, whether in regulatory hear-
  Cutting Edge Design
noff, Farm Worker Health Inc; Jody Robyler, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners; ings, court cases or testimony before
© Copyright 2009 Physicians for Nsedu Obot Witherspoon, Children’s Environmental Health Network; Paula Davis, Association of ­legislative bodies.
Social Responsibility Occupational and Environmental Clinics; Jerry Paulson, Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Whichever action you choose, it
Unit, Mid-Atlantic Center for Children’s Health; Jean Fletcher, Maryland Chesapeake Chapter, will be one step more in the critically
Printed on recycled paper with important effort to increase human
vegetable-based inks. National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners; Gillian Silver, American Schools of Public
Health; Leyla McCurdy, National Environmental Education Foundation; Nancy Hughes, Ameri- well-being and decrease environ-
can Nurses Association; Amanda Raziano, American Public Health Association. Sitting: PSR mental contamination and global
Staff: Coral Ellis; Marybeth Palmigiano; Kristen Welker-Hood, E & H program director. climate instability. PSR

Vol. 31, N o. 1

 Invest Yourself From the President

Peter Wilk, M.D., Assumes
Leaving a bequest to PSR is a wonderful way to
help continue the work you believe in so strongly.
Leadership of PSR
We suggest you check with an attorney or tax
advisor to see how a bequest to PSR would fit
into your estate plans. PSR’s Tax ID number and
office address are listed below for your conve-
nience.  Please contact Jill Hertzler by phone at
I first met Peter Wilk more than two
decades ago when I was a medi-
cal school student at the University
I want to take this opportunity, on
behalf of the board, to express my
deep gratitude to Mike McCally for
Save the Date:

PSR Lobby Day  

(202) 587-5247 or by e-mail at of Wisconsin and Peter was already his outstanding leadership as PSR’s Thursday, April 2, 2009
for more information. a leading physician activist in the executive director for the past two
PSR Tax ID #:  23-7059731 nuclear nonproliferation movement. years. Mike retired in February, cap-
Full Legal Name: It was clear to me then, as it is today, ping an extraordinary 30-year in- PSR will be holding its annual
Physicians for Social Responsibility that he is one of the most dedicated volvement with PSR, having played a
Address: 1875 Connecticut Avenue NW, lobby day on Thursday,
and knowledgeable physicians in the key role in nearly every aspect of its
Suite 1012, Washington, DC 20009  April 2nd. The event is in co‑
country working on this and other growth and success. During his ten-
…OR GIVING A GIFT OF STOCK issues of global importance. He has ure as executive director, Mike guided
ordination with the annual
earned a reputation over the years as the implementation of PSR’s strategic
A gift of stock is also an excellent way to sup- a consummate diplomat, a politically plan, including encouraging stronger Chapter meeting on April 1st,
port PSR’s work. Listed below is PSR’s brokerage
astute leader and an effective collabo- collaboration between chapters and
information. Please contact Jill Hertzler by and the semi-annual Board
phone at (202) 587-5247 or by e-mail at
rator who knows how to accomplish PSR/National; launched cutting- for more information or to change through consensus. edge programs in climate change and meeting on April 3rd. The
confirm receipt of your gift. As a long-time chapter president energy; and helped to defeat propos-
Broker: Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. in Maine and a national board mem- als to expand our country’s nuclear focus will be on forthcoming
DTC #: 0164 Code 40 ber for 18 years, including two terms weapons complex. His many friends
global warming and energy
PSR Acct #: 3106-0448 as president, as well as someone who on the board and throughout the PSR
PSR Tax ID #: 23-7059731 has had held leadership positions network wish him well as he settles bills in the House and Senate
Full Legal Name: with IPPNW, Peter has a unique com- in New Mexico for his well-earned
Physicians for Social Responsibility bination of experience and skills that retirement. We are very happy to note respectively. This event is open
Address:  1875 Connecticut Avenue NW, makes him the ideal choice to lead that he will continue to be involved
Suite 1012, Washington, DC 20009  to all PSR members and activ‑
PSR. PSR/Maine boasts one of the through PSR/New Mexico.
most robust and active chapters, due As PSR completes this transition, ists. If you’d like to attend,
 Match Your Gift in large part to Peter’s leadership.
Committed to increasing physician
I would like to extend a special invi-
tation to all of you to participate in
please contact Mae Stevens at
Many companies provide matching gifts for em- involvement in environment and PSR’s work by contributing your time or
ployee charitable contributions. Please check to security issues, Peter played a major and talents to advancing our shared
determine whether your gift to PSR will be met, part in organizing several statewide mission. Whether it’s working to pre- 202-667-4260 ext. 234.
doubled or tripled by your employer. It’s a great
conferences to reach out to and vent the U.S. from ever conducting
way to make your gift go further to support PSR.
Just include your company’s matching gift form
­engage physicians. nuclear test explosions again, testify-
with your contribution, and we’ll complete it, As a member of PSR’s national ing about the negative health impacts
send it in, and let you know when your gift has board, he played a key role in de- of coal-fired power plants or urging
been matched! veloping the organization’s strategic greater regulation of chemicals in our
plan in 2007, and he is committed environment, PSR needs you to be
to strengthening PSR by building its involved. Our website,, and
 Stay Active membership and enhancing its chap- e-alert system provide up-to-date in-
ter network. As the speaker of the formation on our campaigns and ac-
Would you like to be more involved in PSR’s International Council of IPPNW, he tivities and the many ways that you can
advocacy efforts? A great place to start is PSR’s was responsible for guiding complex contribute your voice to our efforts.
Activist Updates. Each of PSR’s program areas
deliberations and bringing together Thank you for your confidence in
reaches out to members through Action Alerts
and e-mail. To learn more about the Activist
diverse groups of physicians from our mission.
Updates, contact us here (information below) across the world toward a common
and be sure to mention what issues interest you purpose. For all of these reasons, I am
most. very pleased to welcome Peter to his
new role as PSR executive director. Evan Kanter, M.D., Ph.D.
Coming to Washington, DC, and have an hour
to spare? How about visiting one of your elected
officials to talk about the issues of most concern
 Safe energy
to you? Contact the PSR office at least a week in
advance, and we’ll help schedule a meeting, pro-
vide you with background materials, and possibly
Continued from page 2 Student PSR Conference to Address  
even accompany you on your ­lobbying call. toward clean, renewable energy Environmental Health, Nuclear Weapons
sources that will also help mitigate
Contact your elected officials:
U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
global warming, and it appears that
Congress and President Obama The National and Student Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR)
  ☎  (202) 224-3121
will provide that leadership,” stated Conference, Prescription for a Healthy and Secure Planet,
U.S. House of Representatives,
 Washington, DC 20515 Peter Wilk, PSR’s new executive will take place at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City on
  ☎  (202) 224-3121 ­director. April 3rd–5th, 2009. Several hundred participants, including the pub-
The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW The effort to clean up the stimulus lic, community leaders, physicians and student activists, all concerned
 Washington, DC 20500 bill was the result of a strong about environmental health and nuclear non-proliferation, will gather
  ☎  (202)456-1414 collaboration among dozens of for this three-day event. The conference will feature plenary sessions
advocacy groups, but it was just one
win in what is sure to be a long effort. and workshops on issues including climate change, toxic chemical ex-
 Keep in touch This spring, as the industry continues posures, ensuring national security through nuclear abolition, medical
to push its case for nuclear energy, activism and energy independence. To learn more about this exciting
Contact PSR at:
1875 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 1012 PSR will continue its campaign to event and register to attend, visit  Contact PSR
Washington, DC 20009 educate decision makers at every Student Coordinator Laicie Olson for more information at
  ☎  (202) 667-4260 level, as well as the public, that safer, (202) 587-5252 or
    (202) 667-4201 fax healthier alternatives should ­be ­pursued. PSR

Winter/ Spr i n g 2 0 0 9
  Giving our all
Continued from page 1 believes in its existing commitment … What is required of us now is
under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation a new era of responsibility — a
with all the other logistical ­challenges Treaty to work to ultimately eliminate recognition on the part of every
of being in such a huge crowd. all nuclear weapons.” In February, American, that we have duties to
Then we fell totally silent together as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton re- ourselves, our nation, and the
Obama took the oath of office and world; duties that we do not grudg-
iterated some of these same messages ingly accept, but rather seize gladly,
all of us there, and millions of view- in her confirmation hearing. firm in the knowledge that there is
ers throughout the world, quietly And just six days after taking of- nothing so satisfying to the spirit,
shared our positive aspirations for the fice, the new president brought so defining of our character than
future. To witness this monumental leaders of national environmental giving our all to a difficult task.
event, just as I was preparing to take organizations — including our own
on the leadership of PSR, was both outgoing executive director, Michael That is exactly what PSR is all
inspiring and exciting. McCally — together with senior ad- about. We are striving to address
I have greatly valued working with ministration officials and industry
Albert Brown, Council for Livable World

some of the greatest threats to human

many of you, having served since 1991 representatives, to the White House survival. Yes, the tasks are difficult.
on PSR/National’s board of directors, to witness his signing of a directive But the threats are real. And the op-
including two terms as national pres- committing the administration to portunities before us are real. We
ident, and having led the Maine PSR efforts to substantially reduce harm- must seize them.
chapter for almost three decades. I ful automobile emissions. As nations
know PSR members are a thoughtful, around the world prepare for the next
determined lot, with a unique medi- round of climate change treaty nego-
Peter Wilk, Representative Betsy cal perspective and a variety of skills tiations in Copenhagen in December
Markey (D-CO), and Susan that will serve us well as we mobilize 2009, much more U.S. leadership
Shaer, WAND executive direc- to take action in this new era. must be demonstrated. Peter Wilk, M.D.
tor, on Inauguration morning. After a long period of simply Some words from President
striving to prevent the worst abuses Obama’s inauguration speech still
to our environment and the most echo in my mind.
dangerous nuclear weapons poli-
cies, we finally can shift to a more   steps to zero
pro­active stance. The country is ready Continued from page 1
for change. It’s time for everyone who collecting signatures on letters to
cares about the future of our fragile information, contact your local Congress advocating for dramatic
planet to step up and help take ad- PSR chapter or Ira Shorr, director reductions in U.S. and Russian
vantage of the unique opportunities of outreach at the national office, nuclear stockpiles, the ratification
that are now within our reach. of the Comprehensive Nuclear
In anticipation of the changes in Test Ban Treaty, and other critical
Washington, we have spent several  In a joint project with Interna- steps to zero nuclear weapons.
months preparing to press the new tional Physicians for Prevention
administration and Congress for of Nuclear War, PSR is collect-  Following up successful events in
essential changes in national policy ing signatures of senior medi- 2008, a number of PSR chapters
regarding nuclear weapons, cli- cal professionals on a letter to be are planning major community
mate change, safe energy and toxic delivered to Presidents Obama events on eliminating nuclear
pollution — issues that PSR has been and ­Medvedev urging them to im- weapons, in conjunction with lo-
working on for decades. Now, we are mediately initiate negotiations cal universities and World Affairs
putting those plans into action. on a convention for the global Councils.
Already, there are hopeful signs. ­elimination of nuclear weapons. 
During his campaign, President For more information on PSR’s
Obama pledged to “set a new direc-  As part of our work with the approach to nuclear weapons issues,
tion in U.S. nuclear weapons policy Campaign for a Nuclear Weapons contact Jill Parillo, deputy director of
and show the world that America Free World, PSR chapters are also security at PSR

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