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Interpersonal Skills

Developing skills for successful


÷ at are Interpersonal Skills?

`        elp us ³understand

t e intentions, motivations and desires of
ot er people.´ T e allow us to work
effectively wit ot ers.

ttp:// inkers/gardner. tm


    ’  ’  
2our Types of Interpersonal Skills
1. Building positive group spirit
2. 2ostering open communication
3. Cooperation
4. Negotiation/Compromise

0 : Turn to a person sitting next to you and

describe a time t at you experienced one of
t ese four in a group setting, eit er as a part of
t e group or a leader.
ctivity 1: Interpersonal Skills at ÷ork

1. How important are

interpersonal skills for
t is line of work?
2. ÷ at will appen if t is
person as poor
interpersonal skills?
3. ÷ould t e education and
training t is person ad
in preparing for t eir
career elp t em improve
interpersonal skills?
1. List some of t e kinds of
interpersonal skills t at
Doctor/Nurse are needed in t is work.
2. Have you ever visited
someone in t is
occupation w o did not
ave good interpersonal
skills? If so, w at was it
3. re interpersonal skills in
t is work optional or do
t ey play a role in t e
actual success of t e job
being performed?
1. How important are
interpersonal skills
C ef/Cook for t is line of work?
2. ÷ at mig t appen
if t is person as
poor interpersonal
3. ÷it w om would a
c ef or cook need to

` ttp:// i
c/less3. tm
uersonal Experience
1. List some of t e 3. ÷ at mig t appen
kinds of if someone in your
interpersonal skills position as poor
t at are needed in t e interpersonal skills?
work you do. 4. ÷ at interpersonal
2. How important are skills do you use at
interpersonal skills your interns ip and
for t is line of work? at sc ool?
aeviewing t e 2our Types of
Interpersonal Skills
1. Building positive group spirit
2. 2ostering open communication
3. Cooperation
4. Negotiation/Compromise
ctivity 2: Interpersonal Skills Goal!
÷rite one specific goal for using interpersonal
skills. Try one of t e types t at is typically
a c allenge for you.
1. Building positive group spirit
2. 2ostering open communication
3. Cooperation
4. Negotiation/Compromise
Sample Goals





0uestions for Goal aeflection
` ÷ere you successful at completing your goal?
÷ y or w y not?
` How did people react to your effort?
` ÷ill you try anot er tec nique next? ÷ ic one?
` How do you feel after attempting your goal? ÷as
it a positive or negative experience?
` ÷ ere else mig t you be able to apply your
knowledge of interpersonal skills, ot er t an at
your interns ip?

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