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Separation & Identification of

GROUP II Cations
Group II Cations
• Copper (II) + Ksp < 10-30
• Bi3+ + Produce very insoluble
• Cd2+ sulfides
• Hg2+ + Precipitated by low
• As3+ amounts of sulfide ions
• Sb4+ + achieved by adding H2S
• Sn2+
• Pb2+
Decantate (A1) • Thioacetamide -> Sulfide ions
• CH3C=SNH2 + H2O 
Adjust pH -> 0.5 CH3C=ONH2 + H2S(g)
+ reaction catalyzed by high
Add 2 mL thioacetamide temperature and acid
+ M + H2 S
MS(s) + 2H+
Boiling water bath + When hydrogen sulfide gas
is exposed to air  toxic
and foul-smelling sulfide
Black precipitate formation
• Sulfides of low solubility Examples of Reactions:
– precipitate in acidic 2+ +
Pb + H2S  PbS + 2H
hydrogen sulfide black precipitate
solutions 3+
Ksp of Group II Cations  2Bi + 3H2S  Bi2S3 +
Brown precipitate
less than 10 +

 AKA Acid Hydrogen

Sulfide Group
Cool mixture



Add 2mL Ammonium

Chloride and 2mL water
Check pH = 0.5

Boiling water bath (3 mins)

Cool, centrifuge, decant Decantate  Part C

Precipitate + 1 mL of 1M NH4Cl
+ 1mL water

Combine with first portion of

Grp. II precipitate
Centrifuge, decant, discard - +
PbS + 2NO3 + 4H 
decantate 2+
Pb + S(s) + 2NO2 + 2H20
Wash with water

Add 15 gtt 6M HNO3

Hot water bath

Separate, discard any S formed

2+ -
Pb + Cl  PbCl2
Add 2-3 gtt of 6M HCl white to yellow precipitate

White precipitate

Centrifuge and Decant Residue: Add 10 gtt NaAc

Decantate: Heat until ppt dissolves

(A) Add Potassium Chromate

PbCl2 + 3CH3COO- 
Decantate: add 6M NH3 until Pb(CH3COO)3- + Cl-
solution is basic
Pb(CH3COO)3- + CrO42- 
If sol’n is blue - copper (II) ions PbCrO4 + 3CH3COO-

To first half: DECANTATE:

Add 6M acetic acid until colorless Cu2+ + NH3  Cu(NH3)42+
and acidic (royal blue colored complex)
Cu(NH3)42+ + Fe(CN)64- 
Add 1 gtt Potassium ferrocyanide
(pink or red)
To other half: Blue Solution:
Blue Solution due to the presence of
Add a pinch of Sodium
dithionite  Copper (II) ions are
reduced by sodium
dithionite to Cu metal
Boiling water bath (brick red to black color)
• Cu2+ + Na2S2O4 + H2O
Centrifuge Cu(s) + SO32- + Na+
(A) Cd2+ + H2S  CdS + 2H+

Add 2 mL Thioacetamide CdS – Yellow precipitate

Heat in water bath

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