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An Introduction to Independent Component Analysis


The Principle of ICA: a cocktail-party problem

x1(t)=a11 s1(t) +a12 s2(t) +a13 s3(t)

x2(t)=a21 s1(t) +a22 s2(t) +a12 s3(t)

Independent Component Analysis
Reference : A. Hyvärinen, J. Karhunen, E. Oja (2001)
John Wiley & Sons. Independent Component Analysis
Central limit theorem
• The distribution of a sum of independent
random variables tends toward a Gaussian

Observed signal = m1 IC1 + m2 IC2 ….+ mn ICn

toward Gaussian Non-Gaussian Non-Gaussian Non-Gaussian

Central Limit Theorem

Partial sum of a sequence {zi} of independent and identically distributed r

andom variables zi k
xi   zi
i 1

Since mean and variance of xk can grow without bound as k, consider
instead of xk the standardized variables
xk  m x k
yk 
 xk

The distribution of yk  a Gaussian distribution with zero mean and unit varianc
e when k.
How to estimate ICA model
• Principle for estimating the model of ICA

Maximization of NonGaussianity
Measures for NonGaussianity
• Kurtosis
Kurtosis : E{(x- )4}-3*[E{(x-)2}] 2

Super-Gaussian kurtosis > 0

Gaussian kurtosis = 0
Sub-Gaussian kurtosis < 0

kurt(x1+x2)= kurt(x1) + kurt(x2)

kurt(x1) =4kurt(x1)
Whitening process

• Assume measurement x  As is zero mean and E{ssT }  I

• Let D and E be the eigenvalues and eigenvector matrix of

covariance matrix of x, i.e. E{xxT }  EDET

• Then V  D ET is a whitening matrix


  T
z Vx D E x 2

E{zz } VE1{xx }V T
 
 D 2 ET EDET ED 2
Importance of whitening
For the whitened data z, find a vector w such that the linear c
ombination y=wTz has maximum nongaussianity under the con
strain E{ y 2 }  1

1  E{ y 2 }
 E{w T z  z T w}
 w E{z  z }w

w w T

Maximize | kurt(wTz)| under the simpler constraint that ||w||=1

Constrained Optimization
max F(w), ||w||2=1
2 2
L(w,  )  F (w )   ( w  1), w  wT w  1
L(w ,  )

F (w )
  [ 2w ]  0

F (w )
  2  w

At the stable point, the gradient of F(w) must point in the direct
ion of w, i.e. equal to w multiplied by a scalar.
Gradient of kurtosis

F (w )  kurt (w z )  E{(w z ) }  3[ E{(w z ) ] }

T T 4 T 2 2

F (w )  E{(w z ) }  3E{(w z ) }}
T 4 T 2

w w

 1 t 1 (w T z (t )) 4  3(w T w ) 2
1 T

T E{y}   y(t )
T t 1

4 T

t 1
z (t )[ w T
z (t )]3
 3 * 2( w T
w)(w  w )

 4sign(kurt(w z))[ E{z[w z] }  3w w ]
T T 3
Fixed-point algorithm using kurtosis
F ( w )
wk+1 = wk +  k
-1 F ( w )
=( + )  k
2 w k
Therefore, w  E{z[w T z ] }  3w w
w w/ w

Note that adding the gradient to wk does not change its direction, since

wk+1 = wk - ( 2  wk )

= (1- 2  ) wk

Convergence : |<wk+1 , wk>|=1 since wk and wk+1 are unit vectors

Fixed-point algorithm using kurtosis

1. Centering x~
x  m ~x

2. Whitening z  Vx, E{zz T }  I

3. Choose m, No. of ICs to estimate. Set counter p  1
One-by-one Estimation

4. Choose an initial guess of unit norm for wp, eg. randomly.

Fixed-point iteration

T 2
5. Let w p  E{z[ w p z ] }  3w p w p

6. Do deflation decorrelation p 1
w p  w p   (w Tp w j )w j
j 1

7. Let wp  wp/||wp||

8. If wp has not converged (|<wpk+1 , wpk>| 1), go to step 5.

9. Set p  p+1. If p  m, go back to step 4.
Fixed-point algorithm using negentropy
The kurtosis is very sensitive to outliers, which may be erroneous or
irrelevant observations
ex. r.v. with sample size=1000, mean=0, variance=1, contains one value = 10
 kurtosis at least equal to 104/1000-3=7

kurtosis : E{x4}-3 Need to find a more robust

measure for nongaussianity

Approximation of negentropy
Fixed-point algorithm using negentropy
H (y )    p y ( ) log p y ( )d 0
J (y )  H (y gauss )  H (y ) 0

Approximation of negentropy
J ( y )  [ E{G ( y )}  E{G ( )}]2
1 g1 ( y )  tanh a1 y
G1 ( y )  log cosh a1 y, 1  a1  2
G2 ( y )   exp( y 2 / 2) g 2 ( y )  y exp( y 2 / 2)
G3 ( y )  g3 ( y)  y 3
Fixed-point algorithm using negentropy
Max J(y)
w  E{zg(wTz)}  E{g '(wTz)} w

w  w/||w||
Convergence : |<wk+1 , wk>|=1
G1 ( y )  log cosh a1 y, 1  a1  2 g1 ( y )  tanh a1 y g1 ( y )  a1[1  tanh 2 (a1 y )]
G2 ( y )   exp( y 2 / 2) g 2 ( y )  y exp( y 2 / 2) g 2 ( y )  (1  y 2 ) exp( y 2 / 2)
G3 ( y )  g3 ( y)  y 3 g 3 ( y )  3 y 2
Fixed-point algorithm using negentropy

1. Centering x~
x  m ~x

2. Whitening z  Vx, E{zz T }  I

3. Choose m, No. of ICs to estimate. Set counter p  1
One-by-one Estimation

4. Choose an initial guess of unit norm for wp, eg. randomly.

Fixed-point iteration

5. Let w p  E{z g ( w T
p z )}  E{ g ( w T
p z )}w p

6. Do deflation decorrelation p 1
w p  w p   (w Tp w j )w j
j 1

7. Let wp  wp/||wp||
8. If wp has not converged, go back to step 5.
9. Set p  p+1. If p  m, go back to step 4.
• Create two uniform sources
• Create two uniform sources
• Two mixed observed signals
• Two mixed observed signals
• Centering
• Centering
• Whitening
• Whitening
• Fixed-point iteration using kurtosis
• Fixed-point iteration using kurtosis
• Fixed-point iteration using kurtosis
• Fixed-point iteration using negentropy
• Fixed-point iteration using negentropy
• Fixed-point iteration using negentropy
• Fixed-point iteration using negentropy
• Fixed-point iteration using negentropy
Fixed-point algorithm using negentropy
H (y )    p y ( ) log p y ( )d

A Gaussian variable has the largest entropy among all random

variables of equal variance
Gaussian  0
nonGaussian  >0

J (y )  H (y gauss )  H (y )

It’s the optimal estimator but computationally difficult since it r

equires an estimate of the pdf

Approximation of negentropy
Fixed-point algorithm using negentropy
High-order cumulant approximation
1 1
J ( y)  E{ y 3 }  kurt ( y ) 2
12 48
Replace the polynomial function by any n
onpolynomial fun Gi
ex.G1 is odd and G2 is even
J ( y )  k1 ( E{G1 ( y )}) 2  k 2 ( E{G2 ( y )}  E{G2 ( )}) 2

It’s quite common that most r.v. have approximately symmetric dist.  E{G1 ( y )}  0

J ( y )  [ E{G ( y )}  E{G ( )}]2

1 g1 ( y )  tanh a1 y
G1 ( y )  log cosh a1 y, 1  a1  2
G2 ( y )   exp( y 2 / 2) g 2 ( y )  y exp( y 2 / 2)
G3 ( y )  g3 ( y)  y 3
Fixed-point algorithm using negentropy
According to Lagrange multiplier  the gradient must point in the direction of w
J (w ) [ E{G (w T z )  E{G ( )}]2
w 
w w
 2 *[ E{G (w T z )}  E{G ( )}][E{zg (w T z )}]
ν is standardized Gaussian r.v.
 is constant
w   [ E{zg (w T z )}]

w  [ E{zg (w T z )}]
w w/ w
Fixed-point algorithm using negentropy
w  [ E{zg (w T z )}]
w w/ w

The iteration doesn't have the good convergence properties because the
nonpolynomial moments don't have the same nice algebraic properties.

(1   )w  [ E{zg (w T z )}]  w
w w/ w
Finding  by approximative Newton method

Real Newton method is fast.  small steps for convergence

It requires a matrix inversion at every step. large computational load

Special properties of the ICA problem  approximative Newton method

No need a matrix inversion but converge roughly with the same steps as real Newton method
Fixed-point algorithm using negentropy
According to Lagrange multiplier  the gradient must point in the direction of w
J (w )
 w  0
F (w )  E{zg (w T z )}  w  0
Solve this equation by Newton method
JF(w)*w = -F(w)  w = [JF(w)]-1[-F(w)]
F ( w )
JF (w )   E{zz T g (w T z )}  I

E{zzT}E{g' (wTz)} = E{g' (wTz)} I

www  F[E{zg(w E{g(ww]
(w ) *[1 /(z)} T /[E{g'(w z)} ]
z )}   )]I
 [ E{zg (Tw T z )}Multiply {g(-E{g
 w ] /[ Eby '(wTz)}
w T z )} ]
diagonalize JF (w )  [ E{g (w z )}   ]I [ JF (w )]1  [1 /( E{g (w T z )}   )]I
w  E{zg(wTz)}  E{g '(wTz)} w
w  w/||w||
Fixed-point algorithm using negentropy
w  E{zg(wTz)}  E{g '(wTz)} w
w  w/||w||

Convergence : |<wk+1 , wk>|=1

Because ICs can be defined only up to a multiplication sign

G1 ( y )  log cosh a1 y, 1  a1  2 g1 ( y )  tanh a1 y g1 ( y )  a1[1  tanh 2 (a1 y )]
G2 ( y )   exp( y 2 / 2) g 2 ( y )  y exp( y 2 / 2) g 2 ( y )  (1  y 2 ) exp( y 2 / 2)
G3 ( y )  g3 ( y)  y 3 g 3 ( y )  3 y 2

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