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São Luís

São Luis is the capital is of the Brazilian state of Maranhão. The city is
located on São Luis island in the Bay of São Marcos, an extension of
the Atlantic Ocean which forms the estuary of Pindaré, Mearin,
Itapecuru, and other rivers. Situated in the northeast of Brazil, São
Luis do Maranhão is blessed by the sun all year round.
The feeling of walking around S. Luis is like traveling in time, for it is
the only Brazilian capital founded by French and colonized by the Por-
tuguese. The city is full of charm and mysteries, with its cobblestone
streets and alleys, two-story houses covered with tiles, beaches of
white sands and buildings of modern architecture, the city is a perfect
combination of past, present and future.
Av. Beira Mar, 216/203
20021-060 - Centro
Rio de Janeiro - Rj

Tel: 55-21-3010-9332
Tel: 55-21-8615-4395

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