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Branch Banking Unit Banking

Exists as improper use of power Proper checks are taken
and authority exist misuse of Mismanagement
Concentration of power in the hand of few
Yes No
Division of labour is possible Specialisation not possible due
Specialisation: and hence specialisation to lack of trained staff and
possible knowledge
High competiton with the Less competition within the
branches bank
Shared by the bank with its Used for the development of
branches the bank
Not possible and hence bad Possible and less risk of bad
Specialised knowledge of the local borrowers:
debits are high debts
Proper distribution of capital No proper distribution of
Distribution of Capital:
and power. capital and power.
Rate of interest is uniformed and Rate of interest is not
Rate of interest: specified by the head office or uniformed as the bank has own
based on instructions from RBI. policies and rates.
Deposits and assets are Deposits and assets are not
Deposits and assets: diversified,scattered and hence diversified and are at one place,
risk is spead at various places. hence risk is not spread.
Operational freedom: Less Operational freedom. More Operational freedom.
Loans and advances are based Loans and advances can be
Loans and advances: on merit,irrespective of the influenced by authority and
status . power.
Less trained skilled and
Staffing: Efficient,trained and supervised.
Larger financial resources in Larger financial resources in
Financial resources:
each branch. one branch
Delay in Decision-making as
Time is saved as Decision-
Decision-making: they have to depend on the head
making is in the same branch.
Funds are allocated in one
Funds are transferred from one branch and no support of other
branch to another. branches. During financial
Funds: Underutilization of funds by a crisis, unit bank has to close
branch would lead to regional down. hence lead to regional
imbalances imbalances or no balance
Cost of supervision: High Less

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