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Administrator's Manual

Version 4.5
LogicalDOC 4.5 Administrator's Manual

© 2009 Logical Objects snc, via Bonasi 2/A – 41012 Carpi Italy. All rights reserved.

This document is subject to change without notice.

This work is licensed under a GNU Free Documentation License 1.2.

Documentation is provided 'AS IS' and all express or implied conditions, representations
and warranties, including any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular
purpose or on-infringement, are disclaimed, except to the extent that such disclaimers
are held to be legally invalid.

1 PREREQUISITES...........................................................................................4

2 INSTALLATION..............................................................................................4
3 SSL SUPPORT...............................................................................................5
CERTIFICATE IMPORT.............................................................................................5
Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)...............................................6
Importing the Certificate...............................................................................6
4 BACKUP.........................................................................................................7

5 UPDATES.......................................................................................................7

6 PATCHES.......................................................................................................8

7 CONFIGURATIONS.......................................................................................9
MAX UPLOAD SIZE.................................................................................................9

LogicalDOC Administrator's Manual 06/17/2009


1 Prerequisites
LogicalDOC is certified for execution on the following operating systems:
• Windows 2000 and following
• Windows Server 2003 and following
• SuSE Linux 10.0 and following
• CentOS 5.2 and following
• Fedora 10 and following

The minimum required hardware is:

• CPU: Intel 2.0Ghz or equivalent
• RAM: 1GB dedicated
• Disk: at least 80GB of free space
• Network: 100/1000 Gb/s

• Java JRE 1.6.0 or later

2 Installation
LogicalDOC can be installed using the proper setup program downloadable
In this page all setup programs are listed, each one dedicated to a particular
operating system.

2.1 Windows
For Windows there are two different setups:

The first one contains even the Java runtime, you can use this setup if your
system doesn't have a JRE 1.6 currently installed on your system.

Follow the setup steps. Leave all settings as default or change them at your

Note: on Windows Vista launch the setup as Administrator

Important: Make sure to not to have installed a JRE 1.5, before installing
LogicalDOC. If this is the case, in order to avoid problems and conflicts,
install a fresh JRE 1.6 before launching LogicalDOC setup.

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2.2 Linux
On linux the PostgreSQL automatic installation is not provided. So here it is
described the installation using the internal DB. The binding with a
PostgreSQL database is of course possible but you have to manually install
the database before launching LogicalDOC setup.

Check the presence of the Java runtime executing the command:

java -version

you must see something like this: java version “1.6.0_01”

The Linux setup is: logicaldoc-cross-platform-installer-<x>.jar

Execute the command: java -jar logicaldoc-cross-platform-installer-<x>.jar

Follow the setup steps. Leave all settings as default or change them at your

To start LogicalDOC at server bootstrap go to the installation folder:

cd /LogicalDOC/

execute the command: cp bin/logicaldoc /etc/init.d

edit the file /etc/init.d/logicaldoc setting the environment variable

LOGICALDOC_HOME with the installation path: vi /etc/init.d/logicaldoc

Save the file and execute the command: chkconfig --add logicaldoc

Restart the system or execute the command: /etc/init.d/logicaldoc start

3 SSL support
LogicalDOC supports the protocol HTTPS(SSL) to encrypt the communication
between the server and the browsers. This feature is particularly usefull when
you expose LogicalDOC on the Internet.
Normally you can access LogicalDOC in a secure way pointing your browser
at http://localhost:8443/logicaldoc

3.1 Certificate import

LogicalDOC saves certificates, in compliance with the standard JKS, into the
file: <LDOC_HOME>/tomcat/conf/keystore.
The keystore is a file containing digital certificates.
To import your certificate into the LogicalDOC keystore, you need a JDK 1.6.
If this is not available, you can download it from:

LogicalDOC Administrator's Manual 06/17/2009 5

SSL support

To obtain and install a Certificate from a Certificate Authority (like, or, read the previous section and
then follow these instructions.

3.1.1 Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

In order to obtain a Certificate from the Certificate Authority of your choice you
have to create a so called Certificate Signing Request (CSR). That CSR will
be used by the Certificate Authority to create a Certificate that will identify your
website as "secure". To create a CSR follow these steps:
• Create the local Certificate:
keytool -genkey -alias logicaldoc -keyalg RSA -keystore

Note: Use the password logical for both keystore and keyEntry. It is
important that this password is the same, and if you use logical you doesn't
have to edit other server configuration files.

Note: In some cases you will have to enter the domain of your website (i.e. in the field "first and lastname" in order to create a working

• The CSR is then created with:

keytool -certreq -keyalg RSA -alias logicaldoc -file
certreq.csr -keystore <LDOC_HOME>/tomcat/conf/keystore

Now you have a file called certreq.csr that you can submit to the
Certificate Authority (look at the documentation of the Certificate Authority
website on how to do this). In return you get a Certificate.

3.1.2 Importing the Certificate

To import the certificate you have purchased from a CA like Verisign or
Thawte, proceed as follows.

First of all, import the so called Chain Certificate or Root Certificate in the
• Download a Chain Certificate from the Certificate Authority you
obtained the Certificate from.

For commercial certificates go to:

For trial certificates go to:

For go to:

LogicalDOC Administrator's Manual 06/17/2009 6

SSL support

For go to:

• Import the Chain Certificate into your keystore:

keytool -import -alias root -keystore
<LDOC_HOME>/tomcat/conf/keystore -trustcacerts -file

• And finally import your new Certificate:

keytool -import -alias logicaldoc -keystore

<LDOC_HOME>/tomcat/conf/keystore -file <file_certificate>

use logical as password

4 Backup
LogicalDOC provides a backup procedure that saves all documents files, and
a database dump with all data. Full-text indexes are not considered, since
they can be recreated after.

The backup procedure can be launched executing the command:



The configuration file <LDOC_HOME>/bin/ contains

configuration parameters and some of them customize the backup procedure,
and in particular:

• backup.files: maximum number of backup files to be maintained

• backup.dir: folder where backup files are stored
• backup.workdir: backup working folder
• backup.db.user: the username of database service
• backup.db.password: the password of database service

The results of the backup are a set of zip archives in the folder backup.dir,
each archive contains all documents files and a database dump.

Note: The database dump is possible only if you are using PostgreSQL and
only if it is installed in the same machine of LogicalDOC.

5 Updates
You can maintain LogicalDOC updated to the latest release using the icon
“Update LogicalDOC” placed on the desktop during the setup.
Updates are published on Internet at:

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The update program searches for update packages loaded into the remote
update site and executes them in sequence.
At the end of the update procedure, LogicalDOC is updated to the latest
The folder <LDOC_HOME>/updates contains the downloaded update
packages and the log file of the last execution.
The update can alter all the components of the system, in paricular some
updates can change the database schema.

The update procedure is totally automatic, but we suggest the administrator to

follow the following steps.

1. Notify users about the upgrade, and schedule the time of out-of-
2. Shut down LogicalDOC service
3. Launch the backup as described earlier
4. Make a security copy of the folder where LogicalDOC is installed or
at least the sub-folders tomcat/, repository/data/plugins and
5. Launch the update

In this way if something goes wrong, we can easily restore the system as it
was before the update.

Important: sometimes the update procedure requires manual interventions,

in these cases an update document will describe what you have to do

6 Patches
In particular cases, patches can be released in order to solve very specific
problems, without the need to wait an official release.
As the update packages, even the patches are zip archives, but these are not
published on Internet nor they are automatically downloaded. They are
delivered to the customer or partner by e-mail or other medium.

The procedure to apply a patch is as follows:

1. Notify users about the upgrade, and schedule the time of out-of-
2. Shut down LogicalDOC service
3. Launch the backup as described earlier
1. Make a security copy of the folder where LogicalDOC is installed or
at least the sub-folders tomcat/, repository/data/plugins and
2. Copy the received patch in <LDOC_HOME>/patches
3. Execute the command <LDOC_HOME>\bin\patch.bat on Windows
or <LDOC_HOME>/bin/ on Linux

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7 Configurations

7.1 Max upload size

For efficiency reasons, there is a limit in the size of uploaded files through the
web interface.
By default the size is limited to 5MB, in otder to modify this constraint, you
have to edit the file:

The section


defines the maximum accepted size expressed in bytes. After you have
modified this value as you need, save the file and restart the LogicalDOC

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