Bonus 3

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MTH 252

Final Lab
Bonus 3
Justin Drawbert
August 5, 2010

In our Final Lab Bonus question 3, we are asked to consider the triangle formed by the x-
axis, y-axis, and the tangent line to the curve y = 2x at x = a. (image) We are then asked to find
an expression for the area, A, of the triangle in terms of a and to determine what happens as a → ∞.

We start by finding the derivative to our original function.

1 1
y= , y′ = −
2x 2x2
We then use the following form to find the equation for the line tangent to our curve at point a.

y − f (a) = f ′ (a)(x − a)

By this we get our equation for our line

1 1
y− = − 2 (x − a)
2a 2a
1 1 1
y− = − 2x +
2a 2a 2a
1 1
y=− 2 +
2a a
So we now have our equation for our line. We can see that the triangle formed by the tangent line
is a right triangle so we know the equation for the area is simply
Where b is the base, or in this case our x-intercept minus 0 and h is the height, or our y-intercept
minus 0.

We solve for our x-intercept by setting the equation of the line equal to 0 and then solving for
1 1
0=− 2
2a a
1 1
2a a
x = · 2a2
x = 2a

We then find our y-intercept by letting x = 0

1 1 1
y=− (0) + =
2a2 a a

So the formula for the the area A, is
1 1
· 2a · = 1
2 a
This is interesting, or perhaps completely the opposite. What this says is that no matter what, for
any number a, the area of the triangle formed by the line tangent to y = 2x , at the point x = a,
will always be 1. There’s no need to even evaluate a limit here. Because before you could, the a’s
would cancel, and you’d be left evaluating the limit of a constant, which in our case happens to be
1. And the limit as any variable approaches anything of the constant 1 is 1.

What is interesting, is I did play around with some other functions, to make sure this wasn’t a
weird case, and found that the equation for the area of the triangle formed by the slope of a line,
(in the cases I looked at) turns out to be an equation who’s degree is 1 degree higher than the
original function, which sorta makes sense.

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