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1. What is computing system? Explain principle of easiest penetration.

2. Explain vulnerability and threat.

3. Distinguish among vulnerability, threat and control.

4. Explain types/classes of threats.

5. Explain MOM.

6. Explain security goals.

7. Explain integrity and availability in details.

8. What is vulnerability? Explain hardware vulnerabilities in details.

9. Explain s/w vulnerability.

10.Explain data vulnerability.

11.Explain principle of adequate protection.

12.Characteristics of computer criminals

13.What is encryption? Explain principle of effectiveness.

14.Explain s/w control.


1. Define following

 Cryptography

 Cryptosystem

 Symmetric cryptosystem

 Asymmetric cryptosystem
 Cipher-text only attack

2. Explain the ways to interrupt message.

3. Difference between modification and fabrication.

4. Explain cryptanalysis in detail.

5. Explain the principle of encryption in brief

6. Explain Caesar Cipher & permutation with example & with adv & disadv.

7. Explain one-time pad cipher with its adv & disadv.

8. Explain transposition with example.

9. Explain Shannon’s characteristics of good cipher.

10.Explain stream & block cipher with adv & disadv.

11.Explain confusion & diffusion.

12. Explain DES in detail.

13.Draw a flow chart to show iterative substitution and transposition used in DES
algo to convert plain text into cipher text.

14.Explain double & triple DES.

15.Explain AES in detail.

16.Comparison of AES & DES.

17.Compare private and public key encryption.

18.Explain key exchange and digital signature in brief.


1. Explain types of malicious code.

2. Difference between virus and worm

3. Types of virus or

4. How viruses attaches?

5. Explain the properties and issues of the virus.

6. Explain in brief polymorphic virus and storage pattern.

7. Explain prevention of infections.

8. Explain techniques for building solid s/w.

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