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UterusCare now!

(our name for a new Brazilian program of social assistance)

We have to recognize the efforts of our governments to take off from the absolute poverty expressiev share of the Brazilian
population, but this alone will not solve our problems as a nation: only attenuate them. Why? Because the cause of inequality is
the unequal distribution of wealth produced. And the bad distribution of wealth is:

(A) The concentration of most of the income in the hands of a few. Many here, call for Marxist revolution, but do not intend to
distribute the wealth is not sufficient if there is millions in need of it and if the system is unable to continue producing new wealth,
which involves creating new technologies to replace old one!

(B) In excess of population claiming to the state and to society to a condition of life which the state and society can not offer. A
family that generates 10,11, 12 children have the right to claim education, employment, housing, nutrition, etc?

I argue that the state and society must to establish a voluntary program (and, more importantly, paid) for sterilization of men and
women who have up to three children and, from there, yes, we can blame the state and society is the minimal demands of their
citizens are not satisfied!

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